(1)目前安装python 3.8,教程推荐采用的文本编辑器是Visual studio code,但是IDE(集成开发环境)还是pycharm用起来比较好啊。 (2)采用windows cmd也可以执行指定文件夹下的py文件,语法是python XXX.py (3)在windows cmd输入执行指令python后也可以直接执行指令,类似于MATLAB的cmd window 2、Python基本规则 (1)对缩进...
注意Python文件名不能和import的包名相同,否则会遇到以下报错 E:\Python36\python.exe E:/pytest/email.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:/pytest/email.py", line 7, in <module> import smtplib File "E:\Python36\lib\smtplib.py", line 47, in <module> import email.utils File "...
File "D:/AUTOTEST/sweetest_example/sendemaildemo2.py", line 53, in <module> server.sendmail(from_addr,areceiver.split(',')+acc.split(','),msg.as_string()) File "D:\ToolsDownloads\Python-3.7.3\lib\smtplib.py", line 888, in sendmail raise SMTPDataError(code, resp) smtplib.SMTPData...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named'cStringIO'---ERROR: Command errored out with exit status1: python setup.py egg_info Check the logsforfull command output. 搜寻了网上的答案,大致可以理解为python2可以这么安装,但是python3中没有 cStringIO 这个包,如果是单纯引用 StringIO 可以使用 fromioimportString...
可以使用 pycharm 安装该模块
The email module of Python 2.7 and Python 3.0 to 3.11 is vulnerable to CVE-2023-27043. The vulnerability arises from the incorrect parsing of email addresses containing special characters. Malicious actors could exploit this flaw to send messages from email addresses or to email addresses that woul...
Although Python provides a mail sending interface via the smtplib module, Django provides a couple of light wrappers over it. These wrappers are provided to make sending email extra quick, to help test email sending during development, and to provide support for platforms that can’t use SMTP....
Note that this connection is reusable, closable and when it leaves scope it willclean up after itself in CPython. Astilgovipoints out in#39, SMTP does not automatically close inPyPy. The context managerwithshould be used in that case. ...
Version in 0.7.1 * Back port to Python 2.3 (Frank Horowitz). * Fix missing scroll bars in detail log (Podi)."""#TODO: color stderr#TODO: simplify javascript using ,ore than 1 class in the class attribute?importsysimporttimeimportdatetimefromioimportStringIOimportunittestfromxml.saximportsax...
Django module to easily send templated emails using django templates, or using a transactional mail provider (mailchimp, silverpop, etc.) - vintasoftware/django-templated-email