When it comes to an email greeting, it’s hard to beat “Hi (first name)”. It’s suitable for any situation where you know and use the recipient’s first name. If you’re addressing the recipient with Mr./Ms. + last name, however, choose one of the more formal options below inst...
1. Greeting: - Dear [Name], - Hello [Name], - Hi [Name], 2. Opening lines: - I hope this email finds you well. - I am writing to [purpose of the email]. - Thank you for your email regarding [subject]. 3. Requesting information: - Could you please provide more details about...
Start your email with an appropriate greeting like “Dear [Name]” followed by an engaging opening that explains your goal: “I’m reaching out to …"
Are you not sure how to start an email, what email greeting to use, or what the opening line should say? This guide will help you make the best choice. On top of that, we’ll share great email opening lines and killer techniques to engage the recipient and make them actually want to...
Know your audience:Your email greeting and opening sentence should reflect your relationship to the audience. Consider whether you’re writing for a client, C-suite leadership, a professional acquaintance, a close colleague, or a friend.
Remember, the key to a polite email opening is to use the recipient's name (if you know it) and to choose a greeting that fits the formality of your relationship and the purpose of your email. If you're unsure, it's always better to err on the side of formality....
Crafting Engaging Opening Sentences After your greeting, the first sentence of your email is your next big opportunity to make an impression. A strong email opening sentence provides context, builds rapport, and encourages the recipient to keep reading. ...
110 Examples of Email Opening Sentences Now that you know the basic email greeting strategies, it’s time to start writing. Here are 110 examples of email opening sentences for every occasion: How to Start a Formal Email Writing a formal email to your boss, a senior colleague, a client, ...
opening C. greeting D. 正文 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 最终答案: “Dear Linda...”是邮件或信件的开头部分,通常放在邮件或信件的最开始,用来称呼收件人。所以答案是opening。 问题分析: 1. 问题是问“Dear Linda...”是邮件或信件的哪一部分。 2. “Dear Linda...”是邮件或信件的开头称呼...
There are some employers who might appreciate a witty opening to an email, but what if they don't? It's always a safe bet to be formal and respectful with your greeting, then let your cover letter and resume do the impressing. If you know the name of the person reviewing your ...