(1) subject: Request for an Appointment Dear Mr. Smith I am scheduled to visit the U.S. on business atthe end of this month, and wish to call on you at your office on that occasion. I will be arriving in Washington on or around August 20 and staying there for about a week. It...
subject: Request for an Appointment Dear Mr. Smith I am scheduled to visit theU.S.on business at the end of this month, and wish to call on you at your office on that occasion. I will be arriving inWashingtonon or around August 20 and staying there for about a week. It would be ...
Example: Email reminder 2 days before the appointment. Example: Reminder 4hours before appointment. At the moment, the entries cannot be freely selected. This was possible for reminders in the old outlook. 打开Windows日历 T The Microsoft Feedback Team Microsoft 官方答复·11 个月前 Microsoft ...
--- Appointment request 拜访申请 --- Request for the Rescheduling 请求更改时间 --- PRB 3 Oct – Team dinner at P Club this Sat (10/Oct) @8pm 小组聚餐邀请 PRB 是 Please respond by 的缩写,也就是「请在~前回信」 其他活用法...
Appointment request 拜訪申請 Request for the Rescheduling 請求更改時間 PRB 3 Oct – Team dinner at P Club this Sat (10/Oct) @8pm 小組聚餐邀請 PRB 是 Please respond by 的縮寫,也就是「請在~前回信」 其他活用法還能以數字取代日期: PR+1 請在明天以前回信 ...
subject: Request for an Appointment Dear Mr. Smith I am scheduled to visit the U.S. on business at the end of this month, and wish to call on you at your office on that occasion. I will be arriving in Washington on or around August 20 and staying there for about a week. It would...
Appointment Approval Approval Request Approval Response Approval Step Article Article Comment Article Template Attachment Attachment (ActivityMimeAttachment) Attribute Auditing Await All Action Approval Model Await All Approval Model Background Operation Basic Approval Model Data Basic Form Basic Form Metadata b...
1. Request for an Appointment To: Mr. Smith From: Li Lei Date: July 18, 2006 Subject: request for an appointment Dear Mr. Smith: Iam scheduled tovisit the U.S.on businessat the end of this month, and wish tocall onyou at your officeon that occasion. Iwill be arrivingin Washington...
subject: Request for an Appointment Dear Mr. Smith I am scheduled to visit the U.S. on business at the end of this month, and wish to call on you at your office on that occasion. I will be arriving in Washington on or around...
provisionlanguageforuser publisher publisheraddress quarterlyfiscalcalendar queue queueitem recentlyused recommendeddocument recordfilter recurrencerule recurringappointmentmaster recyclebinconfig relationship relationshipattribute report reportcategory reportparameter retaineddataexcel retentionconfig retentionfailuredetail reten...