‘553 sorry, unknown email address’ is a common email error that happens because the recipient address is invalid. The senders would see this error in the bounce message they receive. Error 553 is also called SMTP Error 5.5.3 and can happen irrespective of what mail server the sender is u...
Emails from my company are getting bounced with the "server-15.tower-179.messagelabs.com #553-SPF (Sender Policy Framework) domain authentication 553-fail. Refer to the Troubleshooting page at 553-http://www.symanteccloud.com/troubleshooting f...
553Relaying disallowed as <emailaddress>. Sending email from Invalid 'from' address domain. 5525.7.1 virus Win. Test. EICAR_HDB-1 detected by Zoho Mail.Virus detected in eml file. No error code5.2.1 Subject is Mandatory.Subject field missing. ...
Error codeDescriptionExplanation 521 Server Does Not Accept Mail The SMTP server encountered problem that prevents it from accepting the incoming mail. 525 User Account Disabled The user's email account was disabled and can't receive emails. 550 Mailbox Unavailable The recipient's mail...
ErrCodeHT.Add("553","邮箱名不可用,要求的操作未执行(例如邮箱格式错误)"); ErrCodeHT.Add("432","需要一个密码转换"); ErrCodeHT.Add("534","认证机制过于简单"); ErrCodeHT.Add("538","当前请求的认证机制需要加密"); ErrCodeHT.Add("454","临时认证失败"); ...
553 <address> Invalid email address The RFC-822 Internet Address sent by the client is invalid. 554 Message parse error The RFC-2822 Internet Message is invalid (and unable to be parsed by the server). Message without any headers or header is larger than 256 KB. Common HTTPS Errors Retur...
ErrCodeHT.Add("553","邮箱名不可用,要求的操作未执行(例如邮箱格式错误)"); ErrCodeHT.Add("432","需要一个密码转换"); ErrCodeHT.Add("534","认证机制过于简单"); ErrCodeHT.Add("538","当前请求的认证机制需要加密"); ErrCodeHT.Add("454","临时认证失败"); ErrCodeHT.Add("530","需要认证");...
553 5.7.1: Sender address rejected: not owned by user This type of error usually occurs when you are trying to send emails from that domain which is not associated with your mentioned account. In such case you need to whitelist / Add your domain in this account and Then only you are al...
}if($code != 220) { $this->error = array('error' => 'STARTTLS not accepted from server', 'smtp_code' => $code, 'smtp_msg' => substr($rply, 4)); if($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug('SMTP -> ERROR: ' . $this->error['error'] . ': ' . $rply); ...
error” (e.g., with return code 421), instead of invalid recipient email address (return code 550). In the example of Table 5, the response generator116permanently rejects the email from the email client410as a direct response to the RCPT TO command that provides an invalid recipient email...