Address 元素表示完全解析的电子邮件地址。 XML 复制 <Address> <Name/> <EmailAddress/> <RoutingType/> <MailboxType/> <ItemId/> </Address > EmailAddressType 属性和元素 下面各部分介绍了属性、子元素和父元素。 Attributes 无。 子元素 展开表 元素说明 名称(EmailAddressType) 定义邮箱用户的名称。
Entry (EmailAddress) Entry (IMAddress) Entry (PhoneNumber) Entry (PhysicalAddress) Error Errors ErrorCode ErrorCode (int) ErrorCode (ItemIndexErrorType) ErrorDescription ErrorMessage ErrorMessage (NonIndexableItemStatisticType) ErrorSubscriptionIds EventData EventDescription EventType EventTypes ExceptionFiel...
EmailAddress 元素可以表示 SMTP 或旧版 Exchange 可分辨名称 (也称为 DN) 地址。 EmailAddress 元素是唯一必需的 Mailbox 元素。 描述此元素的架构位于承载 Exchange Web Services 的 IIS 虚拟目录中。 元素信息 元素类型 命名空间 架构名称 类型架构...
The EmailAddressDictionaryEntryType class represents an e-mail address that is associated with a contact.
The EmailAddress element is the only required Mailbox element.The schema that describes this element is located in the IIS virtual directory that hosts Exchange Web Services.Element information展開資料表 ElementType Namespace Schema Name ...
<Type>: A valid email address type as described in Address types. For example, SMTP for the primary email address, and smtp for proxy addresses. <AddressFormat>: For SMTP email addresses, a domain or subdomain that's configured as accepted domain (authoritative or internal relay), and ...
Type: A valid email address type as described in the "Address types" section in Email address policies in Exchange Server. For example, smtp or X400. Note that you can't use SMTP to specify a disabled primary SMTP email address. AddressFormat: For SMTP email addresses, a domain or subdo...
The email address specification is complex and often not what you want when working with personal email addresses in applications. This library introduces terms to distinguish types of email addresses. Normal- The edited form of any input email address. Typically, it is lower-cased and minor "fix...
CC (carbon copy) and BCC (blind carbon copy) are 2 types of address fields you may have seen when building an email. The CC field is often used in emails where a response isn’t expected, but recipients will be kept in the loop. On the other hand, BCC emails can keep addresses pri...
AWS accounts require a unique email address to be provided at the time of account creation. In some organizations, the team that manages AWS accounts must take on the burden of managing many unique email addresses with their messaging team. This can be di...