To prevent this situation, be very cautious when browsing the Internet and downloading/updating/installing software. Carefully analyze each received email attachment. If the file seems irrelevant or has been received from a suspicious email address, it should not be opened. ...
If you get one of these emails, the IRS recommends you forward it to their antifraud division at For more information, go to the IRS website at: How to Report and Identify Phishing, E-mail Scams and Bogus IRS Web Sites,,id=...
The sender’s address is not an official email address. In Amazon scam emails (like the one below), you can see how scammers have changed the “from” name to make it look like it’s from Amazon (“”). But you can reveal the actual email address by...
At you can report & share stories on internet scams, suspicious texts, phone calls, websites and unauthorized charges
Germany Has the Most Private Contemporary Art Museums in the World, New Report Reveals - via T... 13.06.2023 Germany Has the Most Private Contemporary Art Museums in the World, New Report Reveals - via The Art Newspaper news Bernard Arnault’s Private Art Empire Expands to NFTs - via...
The email address of the sender uses a email address to likely evade spam filters. Figure 8. Email Screenshot Bitcoin Variation The screenshot below highlights a brazenly opportunistic scam with the subject line “URGENT DONATION RESPONSE FOR WAR REFUGEE CAMP IN UKRAINE.” It purport...
To report a phishing incident: If you’ve received a phishing email, you can forward it to the Anti-Phishing Working Group at their email address, In the case of phishing via text message, forward the message to the number 7726, which corresponds to ‘SPAM’ on ...
The senders of phishing emails face legal consequences under various consumer protection laws. In many countries phishing is considered a criminal offense, and perpetrators can be prosecuted for fraud, identity theft, and cybercrimes. The exact penalties vary by jurisdiction but can include substantial...
If they haven’t hacked into the sender’s email, the scammers create a fake email account that spoofs the sender’s email address to appear legitimate. (For example, they might use creative name or domain name misspellings, such asjsmith@company.comorjane.smith@cornpany.comforjane.smith@co...
Check the sender's ("from") email address:Hover your mouse over the "from" address and check if it's legitimate. For example, if you received an email from Microsoft, be sure to check if the email address is and not something suspicious like, @microsfot....