Fancy Iconsall-the-icons - A package used to include fancy icons within emacs. nerd-icons - A Library for Nerd Font icons. emojify - Display emojis in Emacs. mode-icons - Show icons instead of mode names. prettify-symbol-mode - [built-in] displaying characters as fancy symbols (e.g. ...
zzz-to-char- Fancy replacement forzap-to-char. Fancy Icons all-the-icons- A package used to include fancy icons within emacs. nerd-icons- A Library for Nerd Font icons. emojify- Display emojis in Emacs. mode-icons- Show icons instead of mode names. prettify-symbol-mode-[built-in]display...
4.1.6. The init.el user option to load icons (nerd-icons.el) Here we check whether to load decorative icons in a number of places, such as Dired buffers and the completion user interface (where relevant). My setup does not try to install the font files: the user must do this manuall...
パッケージの選定基準はシンプルでemacs組み込み機能を活用しているものをなるべく選んでいます。 最終的な見た目は下記のような感じです。 org-modern + perfect-margin + spacious-padding vertico (vertico-buffer) corfu vundo imenu-list magit difftastic 下記はorgファイルの設定をmarkdownに変換...
corfu cape yasnippet模板补全 all-the-icons-completion补全图标美化 embark init-completion.el 文件尾 init-dired.el init-dired.el 文件头 Dired基础配置 diredfl多彩美化 all-the-icons-dired图标美化 dirvish文件管理 init-dired.el 文件尾 init-tools.el init-tools.el 文件头 helpful帮助增强 which-key快捷键...
feat(completion): enhance corfu with nerd-icons-corfu and auto-comple… Feb 16, 2025 Repository files navigation README GPL-3.0 license .emacs.d 字体 主要使用 JetBrains Mono,vterm-mode、prog-mode 和 org-mode 下使用 PragmataPro;中文字体使用霞鹜文楷,选择 Jigmo fonts 全覆盖 CJK 字符集作为 fall...
Run nerd-icons-install-fonts (only needed once) Run treesit-auto-install-all to install Treesitter grammars all at once (optional) Run copilot-install-server to install Copilot As you navigate to lsp-mode-enabled files, you should get prompted (only once) to install a language serverKeybin...
;; 使用 Symbols Nerd Fonts Mono 在 modeline 上显示 icons,需要单独下载和安装该字体。 (use-package nerd-icons) (use-package doom-modeline :hook (after-init . doom-modeline-mode) :custom (doom-modeline-buffer-encoding nil) (doom-modeline-env-version nil) (doom-modeline-env-enable-rust nil)...
Run `M-x nerd-icons-install-fonts` to install the resource fonts. On Windows, the fonts should be installed manually. `nerd-icons` supports bot GUI and TUI. How to customize Change configurations Nowisemacs use setup.el to config all the configuration but you can also use built-in ...
(setup nerd-icons-corfu (add-to-list 'corfu-margin-formatters #'nerd-icons-corfu-formatter)) lsp mode eglot (setup project) (setq read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024)) (setup eglot (setq eglot-events-buffer-config'(:size 1000 :format full) eglot-workspace-configuration '((:python.analys...