查找笔记使用 consult-notes 进行,找到笔记之后,去到相应的条目上使用 C-c C-a f 打开附件所在的文件夹。 怎么实现和 everything 类似的文件检索呢?可以通过 consult-find 进行,org-attach 所在的文件夹均处于 org-attach-directory。C-u M-x consult-find 跳转到指定的文件夹中查找文件名含有的指定内容的文件...
生活娱乐 搜试试 续费VIP 立即续费VIP 会员中心 VIP福利社 VIP免费专区 VIP专属特权 客户端 登录 百度文库 其他 consult-customize emacsconsult-customize emacs consult-customize emacs:咨询定制emacs ©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
对于使用模糊搜索(consult-find)的文件,如果是纯文本文件,直接回车使用 Emacs 打开进行编辑,如果是富文本文件,使用 C-, (embark-act)然后按 x 使用系统默认软件打开。当需要使用 dired 显示文件则是按 j 跳转到 dired 中。在 dired 中的某个文件上按 C-'(my/org-attach-visit-headline-from-dired) 则可以跳...
(narrow consult--narrow) (win (or (minibuffer-selected-window) (next-window))) (with-selected-window win (when-let ((transformed (funcall transform narrow input cand)) (debounce (consult--preview-key-debounce preview-key transformed))) (...
3 -- 36:25 App Protesilaos-[41]Emacs: custom functions for various tasks 13 -- 26:55 App Protesilaos-[4]Emacs: introduction to Clojure(CIDER and clojuremode) 6 -- 46:58 App Protesilaos-[36]Emacs: completion framework(Embark,Consult,Orderless,etc.) 31 -- 39:04 App Protesilaos-[7...
marginalia - Show document of function in ==M-x=, or file attributes in C-x C-f. consult - Consult provides various practical commands based on the Emacs completion function completing-read.Fuzzy & NarrowingTools or libraries specially focused on fuzzy searching in list, mostly for minibuffer....
Package name (GNU ELPA):consult-denote Official manual:https://protesilaos.com/emacs/consult-denote Change log:https://protesilaos.com/emacs/consult-denote-changelog Git repository:https://github.com/protesilaos/consult-denote Backronym: Consult-Orchestrated Navigation and Selection of Unambiguous Target...
The all-purpose tool in Emacs is referred to as keyboard macros. For more information, consult the Emacs Wiki or manual. Activate the macro mode and execute the recorded commands. It's important to note that the commands aren't just saved, they're also implemented. ...
Yay Emacs 6: Inserting links with consult-omni Yay Emacs 5: Tweaking my video workflow with WhisperX and subed-record Yay Emacs 4: community plumbing, streaming setup, Emacs News highlights, transcript export#YayEmacs 9: Trimming/adding silences to get to a target; subed-record-sum-time Jan...
TheREQUIREMENTSis a brief characterization of what hardware or software is required. The purpose of this item is to offer a broad selection key; not be a comprehensive list. You should consult the implementation (for free software) or the vendor to find out whether a specific implementation work...