这些函数被调用时并不传递参数,但在这些函数内可以通过变量`argi'获取当前待处理的command-line argument. 可以通过变量`command-line-args-left'获取尚未被处理的command line arguments.若某函数除了当前待处理的函数,同时也把后面的参数給处理过了,则需要把后面那些被处理过的参数从`command-line-args-left'中删除 ...
--funcall, -f FUNC call Emacs LispfunctionFUNC with no arguments --insert FILE insert contents of FILE into current buffer --killexitwithout askingforconfirmation --load, -l FILE load Emacs Lisp FILE using the loadfunction--visit FILE visit FILE using find-file Display options: -...
--funcall, -f FUNC call Emacs Lisp function FUNC with no arguments --insert FILE insert contents of FILE into current buffer --kill exit without asking for confirmation --load, -l FILE load Emacs Lisp FILE using the load function --visit FILE visit FILE using find-file Display options: ...
需要输入函数名。 >> 试试看,输入 C-h f previous-line <Return>。 Emacs 会给出它所知道的所有有关“实现 C-p 命令功能的函数”的信息。 C-h v 用来显示 Emacs 变量的文档。Emacs 变量可以被用来“定制 Emacs 的行 为”。同样,你需要输入变量的名称。 C-h a 相关命令搜索(Command Apropos)。 输入一...
如果emacs 没有以 batch 模式启动,那么command-line会根据initial-window-system变量的值对窗口系统进行初始化,对于不同的系统它可以是不同的值,比如我在 Windows 上就是'w32。负责执行初始化的函数window-system-ionitialization是个泛型函数(generic function),它在不同系统上的实现是不同的。如果initial-window-syst...
57、命令和其参数(arguments)。* 获得更多帮助(GETTING MORE HELP)-本快速指南的目的仅仅是帮助你在 Emacs 的海洋里下水,不至于束手无策望洋兴叹。有关 Emacs 的话题可谓汗牛充栋,这里自然是难尽万一。不过 Emacs 很理解你求知若渴的心情,因为它提供的强大功能实在是太多了。为此,Emacs 提供了一些命令来查看 Emac...
As you can see, calling map with no arguments causes Clojure to lose its mind—it shows an ArityException error message in your REPL buffer and fills your left window with text that looks like the ravings of a madman. These ravings are the stack trace, which shows the function that ...
(c-add 1 2) ;; 3 (apply 'c-add (number-sequence 1 100)) ;; 5050 (c-add) ;; Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments #<module function c_add from /tmp/helloworld.dylib> 0) M-x describe-function RET c-add RET 返回如下: c-add is a module function. (c-add...
-e, --eval do not visit files but instead evaluate the arguments as Emacs Lisp expressions. -f, --server-file=FILENAME use TCP configuration file FILENAME for communication. This can also be specified via the `EMACS_SERVER_FILE' environment variable. -n, --no-wait returns immediately ...
If non nil, ElScreen processes command line arguments of Emacsen when starting up, and opens files with new screens if needed. The default value is t. elscreen-display-screen-number If non nil, show the number of the current screen in mode line. The default value is t. elscreen-displ...