Citre - Advanced Ctags frontend, comes with powerful code-reading tool.LSP Clientlsp-mode - Emacs client for the Language Server Protocol. lsp-ui - An extension which adds code lenses and documentation pop-up for lsp-mode. eglot - [built-in] A client for Language Server Protocol servers....
1. 可以方便的切换 project 2. 可以方便的自定义 project-root ,对于 monorepo 来说尤为重要,而且 lsp-mode/citre 之类的工具也都依赖这个 3. project 内搜索文件要快 projectile 我也是调教了很久才用的比较舒服,但感觉还是太重,于是想看看能否用 Emacs 自带的 project.el 来替代它,通过一番搜索,发现 28 版...
citre 是基于 Ctags(Universal Ctags 版本)的代码浏览器工具,也支持集成使用 GNU global 的 GTAGS 文件。 安装GNU global 和 pygments, global 依赖并自动安装 universal-ctags, 通过 pygments 能 生成更丰富的TAG 内容,同时支持 reference 搜索。
根目录在日常编程中,Emacs 的很多包都依赖一个功能:查找当前项目的根目录,比如 lsp-mode、citre 等。...查找文件查找文件是非常高频的操作,可以使用 Rust 编写的 fd[4] 来代替 find,速度更快。...,删除项目• project-switch-project,切换项目• project-compile,执行项目的 compile 命令• project-...
Dumb Jump- easy jump to definition package for multiple languages usingagorgrep. ggtags- Emacs frontend to GNU Global source code tagging system. Citre- Advanced Ctags frontend, comes with powerful code-reading tool. LSP Client lsp-mode- Emacs client for the...
lsp-bridge-find-def-fallback-function: When LSP cannot find a definition, you can customize this function for candidate jumping, such as binding the citre function lsp-bridge-find-ref-fallback-function: When LSP cannot find a reference, you can customize this function for candidate jumping, suc...
Emacs是一款功能强大的文本编辑器,它的dired模式可以用于浏览和管理文件。在dired模式中,目录的颜色可以帮助用户更好地区分不同类型的文件和目录。 Emacs中dired模式的目录颜色可以通过设置dired-directory-listing-before-filename-regexp变量来实现。该变量是一个正则表达式,用于匹配目录列表中的目录名称。Emacs会根据这个...
tweak(citre): remove hack, the change has been merged upstream Conventional Commits Compliance #1144: Commit 4654975 pushed by abougouffa main October 28, 2024 18:15 14s feat(core)!: officially drop support for Emacs 28 CI Windows #1088: Commit 6572063 pushed by abougouffa main ...
With the help of Language Server Protocol powered by Microsoft and the great ctags front-end citre, users can easily use and expand almost all programming languages under emacs. Rime integration, orderless completion everywhere. How to use All configs can be seen here. Nowisemacs uses a single...
(setup lsp-bridge (setq lsp-bridge-enable-org-babel nil lsp-bridge-python-lsp-server "pylsp" lsp-bridge-enable-completion-in-minibuffer t lsp-bridge-enable-hover-diagnostic t ;; acm acm-enable-citre nil acm-enable-codeium nil acm-backend-codeium-api-key-path (concat nowis-doc-emacs-dir...