EM -λ EN 互相垂直,从而得出: EF 与 EM -λ EN 的夹角为定值. 解答: n x=- 1 4 +1+3+∧+(2n-3)+ 2n-1 2 =(n- 1 2 )2 y= 3 2 (2n-1) , 消去n得y2=3x. 所以点B1,B2,∧,Bn,∧在同一条抛物线y2=3x上.(5分) B1( ...
The evening of May 22 witnessedemlyonbusiness school 150thAnniversary Celebration grandly held at the residence of the Consul general of France in Shanghai « Villa Basset ». The event was attended by Mr. Qun CHEN, Vice...