18. 如图所示是真空中两个带等量异种电荷的点电荷A、B周围的电场分布情况(电场线方向未标出).图中O点为两点电荷连线的中点,MN为两点电荷连线的中垂线上的两点,OM=ON.下列说法中正确的是( ) A.O、M、N三点的场强的大小关系是EM=EN>EO B.O、M、N三点在同一个等势面上 ...
同理DM=EM. ∴BM﹣DM=CM﹣EM(等量代换) ∴BD=CE(线段和、差的意义); 故答案为:已知,三线合一,等量代换; (2)证法二:作△ABC的中线AM, ∴BM=CM, ∵AB=AC, ∴AM⊥BC, ∵AD=AE, ∴DM=EM, ∴BM﹣DM=CM﹣EM, ∴BD=CE. 练习册系列答案 ...
George Em. Marica. The Sociology of the Social Communities. The problems regarding the territorial social communities represent some of the important directions of the scientific and publicistic activity professor George Em. Marica (1904-1982) form Cluj, Romania, carried out....
The Professor George Em. Marica about the Activity of Simion Barnutiu as a Publisher. The very rich activity of Simion Barnutiu as a journalist makes the subject-matter of the research done by the well-known Professor George Emilian Marica in his outstanding wor...