(1R,5S,6S)-2-((4-SUBSTITUTED-1,3-THIAZOL-2-YL) AMINOCARBONYLMETHYLTHIO)-6((R)-1-HYDROXYETHYL)-1-METHYL-CARBAPEN-2-EM-3-CARBOXYLATEPURPOSE: To provide the novel compound providing powerful antibacterial activity, highly resistant to β-lactamase-inhibitory activity and nephrodehydropeptidase, ...
=3,连接CH并延长交AB于点G,连接GE并延长交AD的延长线于点F. (1)求证: ; (2)若∠CGF=90°,求 的值. (1)证明见解析;(2) =3. 【解析】试题分析:(1)根据相似三角形判定的方法,判断出△CEH∽△GBH,即可推得结论; (2)作EM⊥AB于M,则EM=BC=AD,AM=DE,设DE=CE=3a,则AB=CD=6a,由(1)得: ...
@@ -384,6 +401,11 @@ int em_dev_update_perf_domain(struct device *dev, { return -EINVAL; } static inline struct em_perf_state *em_perf_state_from_pd(struct em_perf_domain *pd) { return NULL; } #endif#endif0 comments on commit ee1a198 Please sign in to comment. Footer...
录取院校 法国里昂商学院创建于1872年,是全球最老牌商学院之一,也是法国五校联考成员、法国高等精英商校联盟CGE成员,更是世界上少数同时获得EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA三大国际组织认证的国际顶级商学院之一💪。 学校不仅传承优质商学院基因,同时秉持远大抱负,以...
可出现心肌梗死或猝死 **答案**: A **分析**:答案:A 卧位性心绞痛在熟睡时发作,常在半夜,偶尔在午睡时发作。发作时硝酸甘油不易使其缓解。本型可发展成心肌梗死或猝死,不属于稳定性心绞痛。稳定性心绞痛指劳力性心绞痛, 劳动或情绪...
The objective of this essay is to examine the concept of tempus fugit in the novel Em Nome da Terra written by Virgil Ferreira. It is a profound reading and analysis that shows the different types of movement that constitute this literary work, the presence of...
From The Museum Island to DahlemGrohmann,WillMonth