Learning a Gaussian mixture with a local algorithm like EM can be difficult because (i) the true number of mixing components is usually unknown, (ii) there is no generally accepted method for parameter initialization, and (iii) the algorithm can get trapped in one of the many local maxima ...
A monoclonal antibody (Ab8) to choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) was used to locate structures showing ChAT-like immunoreactivity (ChAT-IR) in the brain of a teleost fish, the midshipman (Porichthys notatus). ChAT is the synthetic enzyme for acetylcholine found in neurons using that neurotransmitte...
初见乍惊欢,久处亦怦然7月26日,EM家用见面的仪式感与实习生们开启了一场独特的职场初见之旅属于少年的“初见”究竟有多惊艳让我们跟随镜头,重温这场夏日精彩! 人像贩卖机,表情自定义 灿烂的笑脸、搞怪的表情 行走江湖,没有一张帅气的证件照怎么行 在EM家人像...