"胃血止糊剂"治疗老年多器官功能不全综合征并发上消化道出血32例临床观察 昆明市中医医院ICU病房自2005年以来采用"胃血止糊剂"治疗老年多器官功能不全综合征并发上消化道出血32例,获得满意疗效,.上消化道出血是临床常见的急危重症,多由食管,... 姜莉芸,刘明,魏丹霞,... - 著名中医药学家学术传承高层论坛 被...
Performing ysa") on "Hello World" should produce ("Hello World"). Instead it places the parens inside the quotes (i.e. "(Hello World)"). This PR fixes the behavior by preserving the around flag fro...
The impact of logging operations on bird species abundance and diversity was studied over an eight-year period using a variable-circular plot bird survey procedure and a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) design in karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) forest in south-western Australia. The magnitude and...
(改编题)约翰·肯尼斯·加尔布雷思在其经典名著《经济学与公共目标》中认为美国20世纪20年代的繁荣景象是一种狂热症状。《圣路易斯邮报》认为该书是卓尔不群的传奇经济学家“对人类经济史上最令人难忘的岁月的精湛分析”。其依据应该是,当时美国 ( )。
Tikem景点地图 景点0 餐馆0 购物0 玩乐0 交通0 1 Chari River 暂无评分 暂无点评 2 Musee National N'Djamena (National Museum) 5分 5人点评 3 Léré Lake 暂无评分 暂无点评 4 Grande Mosquée de Moundou 暂无评分 暂无点评 5 Grand Mosque N'Djamena 5分 4人点评 6 Gala Brewery 5分...
an interference point calculation phase for ridgeline-face and an interference line calculation phase for face-face. CONSTITUTION:The calculation of interference lines is clearly divided into two phases, i.e. the interference point calculation phase for ridgeline-face and the interference line ...