The electromagnetic spectrum covers all the different kinds of light. (Image source) Let’s start with some basics. You probably met theelectromagnetic (EM) spectrumat some point in school. Possibly a particularly enthusiastic physics teacher encouraged you to come up with some sort of mnemonic to...
In treating many types of knee pain, a common goal is to break the inflammatory cycle. Home remedies that control inflammation and help to break the inflammatory cycle are protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. This regimen is summarized by the mnemonic PRICE. If your symptoms have...
Toxicology Rounds: The Anion Gap: A Mnemonic for the 21st Centuryε-spectrumNormalitySubordinated normAn abstract is unavailable.doi:10.1016/S0893-9659(00)00167-1GussowLeonApplied Mathematics Letters