Découvrez pourquoi Aravind, originaire d'Inde, a choisi l'EM Normandie Business School pour son MSc Marketing and Digital in Luxury and Lifestyle et comment l'atmosphère dynamique de l'école, les ressources accessibles et le soutien personnalisé des professeurs ont enrichi son parcours éducatif...
In France's leading student city, take advantage of the capital's economic effervescence and enjoy an unparalleled social, cultural and sporting life. An international and cosmopolitan city par excellence, Paris is just like EM Normandie: open to the world, rich in cultural diversity, conducive to...
Denormandie, B. Parratte ·Spasticity care in the elderly: Retrospective analysis in a physical medicine and rehabilitation department Page :e43 M. Wiese, S. Pol, K. Vassilev, S. Deffontaines, D. Mazevet ·Initial results from the international double-blind phase III study of Dysport® ...