Solomon, Daniel G.Washington University Journal of Law & Policy
pnpm-lock.yaml chore: pin typescript@5.5.3 Sep 9, 2024 pnpm-workspace.yaml chore: monorepo setup May 8, 2023 tweets.json chore: monorepo setup May 8, 2023 Repository files navigation README MIT license embetty Embetty displays remote content like tweets or videos without compromising your pri...
Super-resolution movies were imported to cryoSPARC59v.3.3.1 and motion corrected using patch motion correction in cryoSPARC, with the output Fourier cropping factor set to ½. Initial contrast transfer function (CTF) parameters were then calculated using the patch CTF estimation in cryoSPARC. For ...
select l.id2 job, l.sid, to_char(last_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY:HH24.MI.SS') last_date, to_char(this_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY:HH24.MI.SS') this_date, l.inst_id instance from sys.job$ j, gv$lock l where l.type = 'JQ' and j.job (+) = l.id2 order by 5, 4; 統計...
In the inactive state, the Y1253.50 of DRY motif interacts with both A4136.33 and Q4166.36 of TM6 to lock receptor in an inactive conformation. Upon receptor activation, the interaction is broken as TM6 sways away from inside to outside (Supplementary Fig. 14d). The N4647.49 of the NP...
classITask{protected: vector<ITask*> m_dependentsList;// Those waiting for meThreadSafe_Int32 m_dependencysRemaining;// Those I'm waiting for// The blocking event if we have dependencies waiting onSRWLOCK m_SRWLock; CONDITION_VARIABLE m_Dependencies;voidSignalDependentsImDone(); ITask();virtual...
SES_CTFNOLOCK Windows 8:不允许 TSF 锁读取/写入访问。 这会暂停 TSF 输入。 SES_DEFAULTLATINLIGA Windows 8:使用默认 OpenType 功能显示具有 fi 连字的字体,从而改进了版式 (默认值:0) 。 SES_DRAFTMODE Windows XP SP1:使用草稿模式字体显示文本。 草稿模式是一个辅助功能选项,其中控件使用单一字体显示文...
select l.id2 job, l.sid, to_char(last_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY:HH24.MI.SS') last_date, to_char(this_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY:HH24.MI.SS') this_date, l.inst_id instance from sys.job$ j, gv$lock l where l.type = 'JQ' and j.job (+) = l.id2 order by 5, 4; Gather Statis...
.github .idea/codeStyles app buildSrc config/detekt fastlane gradle/wrapper .gitignore Gemfile Gemfile.lock LICENSE build.gradle.kts gradlew gradlew.bat settings.gradle.kts ...
LOCK是一个只读位,指示输入信号LOCKn的反相状态,即,当内核被锁定时,LOCK = 1,而当内核被解锁时,LOCK = 0。 该位值锁存在RSTINn的上升沿。 Bit 5 Not used. Bit 4 – SSYSF (SSYSF Status) 仅RT操作:SSYSF是只读位,指示输入信号SSYSFn的反相状态 ...