There are three kinds of dashes: en dash, em dash, and double hyphen. The en dash and em dash appear frequently. While the double hyphen is found within some texts, its use is not as common as that of the en and em dash. En dashes (–) and em dashes (—) each have different ...
The en dash: Marking a range Other uses of the en dash British style: En dashes in place of em dashes The em dash: Marking a break in a sentence Em dashes can be used in pairs to mark off additional information that is not essential to understand the sentence. Here they function simil...
The em dash (—) is longer than both the hyphen and the en dash. It is named after its approximate width, which is equal to the width of the letter “M”. It offers a more dramatic pause or interruption within the text and serves as a break in the flow of a sentence. Acting as ...
3. The en dash is used with scores. Examples: The red team won 3–1 in this match. The score the game at the moment is 1–2. 4. The en dash is used to indicate distance. Examples: Europe–USA is a long flight. About Latest Posts ...
编辑解读:连字符hyphen (‐), 连接线 en dash (–) 和破折号em dash (—) 是英文稿件中常见的三个横线符号。 ★连字符hyphen (‐):链接前后缀, 链接单词构成复合词,分隔数字,行尾断词。 ★连接线 en dash (–):表示数...
The En-Dash (–) By comparison the shorter en dash—taking up the same space on the page as the letter “n”—has fewer, simpler use cases by comparison. The en dash is most frequently used to connect numbered ranges, like dates and scores. For example: ...
The dash is one of those punctuation marks that many people have seen throughout their lives but have probably given little thought about how it’s really supposed to be used.
En dash(–):如果使用笔记本电脑,首先打开Numlock,如果使用桌面电脑,打开数字锁定键,然后按下ALT,同时按下数字建0150; Em dash(—):如果使用笔记本电脑,首先打开Numlock,如果使用桌面电脑,打开数字锁定键,然后按下ALT,同时按下数字建0151。 下面引用一篇文章来说明破折号的使用 ...
The En Dash, Em Dash and the Double Hyphen are the three types of dashes. 短破折号、长破折号以及双连字符是三种类型的破折号。 But today let's focus on the first two. 但我们今天着重讲前两种。 A dash is a long horizontal line in the middle of a line of text. 破折号是一行文字中间的一...
There are two types of dash: the em dash and the en dash. A dash is a punctuation mark used in place of commas, parentheses, a semicolon, a colon, or ellipsis.