And yet, for some reason, there's no em dash symbol on a keyboard. We live in a world where the underscore is represented, but the em dash is not. It's upsetting, to be honest. Everyone has an opinion about how to use em dashes—and their shorter cousins, en dashes—but let's ...
4. 其他用法:en dash 有时用作减号,尽管两者原则上并非同一个符号。另外,它也可以用于连接拥有不同...
In the menu bar, go to the “Insert” menu and select “Symbol,” then “More Symbols.” A menu of characters will pop up, with the em dash on the second row. Click the em dash to insert it, then select “Close” to close this window. ...
The em dash(—)is a supremely useful (and fashionable) piece of punctuation used in writing and editing, often in place of a comma, colon, or parenthesis. While you might want to utilize it to make your grammar look fancy, the symbol on a computer can be a little challenging to access...
On Macs, the long dash symbol situation is much easier.To type an en dash, press Option + hyphen (-) To type an em dash on keyboard, press Shift + Option + hyphen (-)The only problem is that to use these en and em dash shortcuts effectively, you need to remember them. And when...
The em dash (—) punctuation is a useful stylization in writing and editing that can replace a comma, colon, or parenthesis. Accessing this symbol on a computer can be challenging, depending on the operating system. You have several options to type orinsert the em dash in Windows– for exa...
How Do You Type an En Dash? You can type an en dash on your Mac by hitting option + hyphen (-) You don’t have to be too much of a stickler when it comes to dashes—unless you are strictly bound to a writing style such asAPA. Most people are very forgiving, even if they don...
Depending on the type of work you do on your Mac, an em dash may be a symbol you need frequently or rarely at all. As with many symbols, there are two ways to get an em dash, or its shorter cousin the en dash, to appear on a page: by using a keyboard shortcut or the Special...
On Android and iPhone smartphones, the long hyphen symbol can be easily added from your keyboard. The em dash (—) is a long dash punctuation mark that can be added to set off non-essential sentence clauses. However, the long hyphen symbol is not widely utilized. ...
Find the em dash and click Insert. For a Mac, do the following: Go to the Insert tab in the Word ribbon. Click on Advanced Symbol all the way to the right. Click the Special Characters tab. Find the em dash and click Insert. If you enable AutoFormat, you can also type two hyphens...