译文:文中用连接线而不用连字符表示数据范围。 编辑解读:连字符hyphen (‐), 连接线 en dash (–) 和破折号em dash (—) 是英文稿件中常见的三个横线符号。 ★连字符hyphen (‐):链接前后缀, 链接单词构成复合词,分隔数字...
在英文中,有三种常见的短线符号。包括破两种破折号:em dash “—”和en dash “–”,以及连字符hyphen“-”。这三种横线有不同的功能,不能混淆。Em Dash Em dash 是最长的破折号,长度与大写的M相等,用于表示强调、插入语、中断或缺失等。例如:"The book—especially the second half—was very good."这...
This usage of the en dash is considered standard in British English (though Oxford style prefers the em dash). If you choose to use en dashes in this way, make sure to do so consistently, and to use spaces. A common mistake is using both forms in the same text or spacing the punctua...
The em dash (—) is longer than both the hyphen and the en dash. It is named after its approximate width, which is equal to the width of the letter “M”. It offers a more dramatic pause or interruption within the text and serves as a break in the flow of a sentence. Acting as ...
There are three main types—en dash, em dash, and double hyphen—each differing in length and usage. En dash: The en dash (–) is of medium width and is used to show ranges, connect places, join compound adjectives, and show relationships. Em dash: The em dash (—) is slightly ...
The En Dash, Em Dash and the Double Hyphen are the three types of dashes. 短破折号、长破折号以及双连字符是三种类型的破折号。 But today let's focus on the first two. 但我们今天着重讲前两种。 A dash is a long horizontal line in the middle of a line of text. 破折号是一行文字中间的一...
What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 12 Words Whose History Will Surprise You ...
The dash is one of those punctuation marks that many people have seen throughout their lives but have probably given little thought about how it’s really supposed to be used.
Creating an en dash Creating an en dash can be done by either: [ctrl] and the minus sign on the numpad or [alt] 0150 (on the numpad) Em dash The em dash (— or -- [on an old-fashioned typewriter]) is the most commonly used type of dash and is often simply referred to as ...
编辑解读:连字符hyphen (‐), 连接线 en dash (–) 和破折号em dash (—) 是英文稿件中常见的三个横线符号。 ★连字符hyphen (‐):链接前后缀, 链接单词构成复合词,分隔数字,行尾断词。 ★连接线 en dash (–):表示数字范围或时间跨度。可以将其理解为 “to”或“through”。