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24 NC (For audio interface pin usage, see Audio Support on page 64.) Reserved—Host must not repurpose this pin. 25 DPR -Dynamic power control Input High 1.17 1.80 2.10 Input Low -0.3 -0.63 26 GPS_DISABLE#ePU Wireless disable (GNSS radio) Input Low - - 0.4 27 GND VGround ...
5 Antoine Goutard France $52,943 6 Shelok Wong United States $40,376 7 Ralph Massey United States $31,087 8 John O'Neal United States $24,165 9 Robert Hill United States $18,968 A lot of familiar faces gave it a shot but most of them didn't make it. Five-time WSOP champion Sh...
520th France Antoine Goutard $1,502 521st Lithuania Denis Peganov $1,502 522nd Brazil Jean Guimaraes $1,502 523rd Bulgaria Ognyan Dimov $1,502 524th Uruguay Mathías Duarte $1,502 525th Brazil Paulo Brombim $1,502 526th Spain Juan Domínguez $1,502 527th Brazil Alexandre ...
this year’s only film with two song nominees. The film is also nominated for score – feature film. Clément Ducol and Camille, a French couple, are nominated in both categories. They co-wrote one of their nominated songs, “El Mal,” with Jacques Audi...
Fabienne Pelé, Laëtitia Capelli, Magali Roure, Anne-Laure Ramelli, Charlotte Van Hespen, Sophie Redaelli, Vincent Agnard, Alain Créange Résumé Plan ·Effet de l’initiation précoce d’un traitement de fond sur la progression du handicap en sclérose en plaques rémittente : une étude ob...
Opmerking:De oproepen kunnen in de EM_PARK status op sommige T1 kanalen blijven hangen als de spraak gateway router chasis niet elektrisch geaard is. Raadpleeg de gebruikershandleiding voor installatie voor meer informatie over aarding. ...
EmilieLefoulonYuriKuzminOlivierPlantardYasenMutafchievDomenicoOtrantoEBSCO_AspParasitology InternationalLefoulon E, Kuzmin Y, Plantard O, Mutafchiev Y, Otranto D, et al. (2014) Redescription of Cercopithifi- laria rugosicauda (Bohm & Supperer, 1953) (Spirurida: Onchocercidae) of roe deer, ...
Michael Mahande, Anne Dalveit, Joseph Obure, Blandina Mmbaga, Gileard Masenga, Rachel Manongi, Rolv Lie Plan ·515: Cesarean delivery in extreme preterm birth does not improve survival or survival without severe morbidity Page :S222 Michael Trifiro, Sima Parmar, Guibo Xing, Bryon Jacoby ...