Five species of Exochomus had n o spines at all, thus making it difficult to interpret the primary function of the subelytral spines in a general way. Within the genus Chilocorus ,spine density may play a synergistic role in host association. Based on morphological evidence alone, these ...
000), the most strikingly coloured parts are the elytra2,16. Elytral colours serve a variety of adaptive functions, e.g. camouflage, mimicry, antipredator cues, species and sex recognition, and thermal balance2,16,17,18. The colours may be due to chemical pigments (known as chemochromes)...
Although he did not posit a water-conserving function for the cavity, he perceptively noted that “The extremely close fit between the margins of the elytra and the sternite is remarkable: it would appear to hinder the ventilation of the subelytral space into which the spiracles open.” (...
This examination of cuticle mechanical performance as a function of multiple variables aims to characterize the potential of this biomaterial and to shed light on the roles and interactions of the primary cuticle components chitin,protein,catechol and water. By means of comprehensive mechanical ...
Structure-Function Relationships In Beetle Elytral Cuticle, a Biological Composite MaterialPatricia A. Huber
Thus, the elytral notches of male Notoxus monoceros seem to function as testorgans" for females which are able to select males with high cantharidin loads prior to copulation. Even small quantities of cantharidin stored in notches of field caught specimens seem of advantage for males in ...
Variation in call structure depends on the evolved morphological structures used to produce the sound and encode function. Beetles in the genus Nicrophorus produce stridulation by rubbing plectra , located on the ventral side of the elytra, against a pars stridens , located on the caudal end ...
In most areas across Southeast and South Asia, all specimens were of the lightest type, which may imply either: (i) the saturation of genes expressing light morph types, which have less solar absorption, due to tropical climate; or (ii) an enhanced warning function of bright red against ...
While the structural function of CP30 is currently unknown, the sequence of CP30 may offer new design motifs for the development of novel polymer or gel biomaterials.doi:10.1002/masy.201500074Sprouse, Patricia A.Dittmer, Neal T.Kramer, Karl J....
While the structural function of CP30 is currently unknown, the sequence of CP30 may offer new design motifs for the development of novel polymer or gel biomaterials.Patricia A. SprouseNeal T. DittmerKarl J. KramerPolymer Networks Group Meeting...