Elytra Slot is a mod that uses Curios API/Trinkets API to add an elytra slot to the player inventory and allows the elytra to be placed into this slot. While the elytra is in this slot, it will grant the same flight capabilities as if it was in your chestplate slot. This allows the...
1.19.2 elytraslot-fabric-6.1.3+1.19.2.jar ReleaseR 1.19.2 Fabric Jun 12, 2024 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.19 elytraslot-fabric-6.1.3+1.19.2.jar ReleaseR 1.19.2 Fabric Jun 12, 2024 elytraslot-fabric-6.0.0+1.19.1.jar ReleaseR 1.19.1 Fabric Jul 30, 2022 elytraslot-fabric-6.0.0-...
While the elytra is in this slot, it will grant the same flight capabilities as if it was in your chestplate slot. This allows the player to gain the benefits of the elytra without sacrificing an armor slot. Forge Dependencies Curios Caelus Fabric Dependencies Trinkets Curios Trinkets Support...
Minecraft Mod: Adds an accessory slot for the elytra so you can fly and wear chest armor at the same time. - elytraslot/.gitattributes at 1.21.x · illusivesoulworks/elytraslot
Elytra Slot is a mod that uses Curios API/Trinkets API to add an elytra slot to the player inventory and allows the elytra to be placed into this slot. While the elytra is in this slot, it will grant the same flight capabilities as if it was in your chestplate slot. This allows the...
Features: Indeed, when there is a will, there is a way because these Elytra Wings can now have a separate slot on the back of the player. Furthermore, it will provide an outstanding utility because previously players have to sacrifice the armor slot for using Elytra. Interestingly, the inve...
, to the player inventory and allows the elytra to be placed into this slot. While the elytra is in this slot, it will grant the same flight capabilities as if it was in your chestplate slot. This allows the player to gain the benefits of the elytra without sacrificing an armor slot....