This is a Texture Pack that changes the Elytra texture to the Netherite Texture from the 1.16 Update Requirements: None Supported versions: [1.16.2 - 1.21.4]CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons!
otherwise this pack doesn't work properly. changes in minecraft after applying the pack. changes are:- 1)Elytra 2)Trims added 3)Glowing this pack is supported both single player world and multiplayer servers. version supported form- 1.16 to latest make sure you check the file version before d...
Step 1: How to Download from Step 2: Download Optifine Step 3: Download Texture Pack 7 Angel Wing Elytra 1.18 Resource Pack Download Many players have tend to complain that the Elytra is too simple, so packs like Angel Wing Elytra 1.18 Resource Pack came into exi...
1. Download zip file from link in image description. 2. Place file in your ‘resourcepacks’ folder (you might need to unzip them if they don’t show up in Minecraft as zip files). 3. Activate resource pack in-game. (You will probably get message that it’s incompatible but I guaran...
Download Apk Minecraft PE Mods & Addons Similar with Infinite Elytra Flight Mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition Android Infinite Flight Simulator 22.7.1 Apk Mod Infinite Stairs 1.3.167 Apk Mod Infinite The Block VIP 1.4.005 Apk Full Paid Mod...
v2.0 or above, all players need to install resource packs or mods Data Pack/Resource pack 中文 鞘翅胸甲 胸甲與鞘翅可以透過鍛造台合成在一起,並同時裝備在身上使用,且兩者功能都能使用。 胸甲與鞘翅可同時使用、顯示 物品支援所有Minecraft的語言
The Dragon Elytra resource pack reimagines Minecraft's Elytra wings as the majestic wings of a dragon, enhancing the visual experience of flight with detailed, dragon-inspired designs.
▓This resource pack module contains/changes: ▓ ▓Elytra texture ▓ ▓Elytra item texture ▓ ▓Broken Elytra item texture ▓ ▓Splash texts ▓ ▓Pack Icon ▓ ▓Pack mcmeta ▓ ▓Credits textfile - READ IT! ▓ ▓One module download includes a FULL 1.11 GUI (1.12 GUI asap) ▓ ...
This resource pack Removes the Elytra Texture. Useful If the elytra blocks the screen in second or third person. Suggested Mod- This is not my mod, I reccomend enabling "Elytra Thrusting"CurseForge...
The texturepack will change all of those aspects, so that they look like they are made out of feathers Note: If you download the universal File dont be mistaken if Minecraft says that the texturepack is made for an older / newer version of Minecraft it will work for 1.9 and all Versions...