elytra 英['elɪtrə] 美['elɪtrə] 释义 n. 翅鞘,翅基(elytron的复数形式);翅鞘,翅基( elytron的名词复数 ) 实用场景例句 全部 In this order the the forewings are modified to form hardelytraor cases. 该目昆虫的前翅发展成坚硬的鞘翅或壳....
elytra [英['elɪtrə]美['elɪtrə]] elytra的意思、解释 n.翅鞘,翅基(elytron的复数形式);翅鞘,翅基( elytron的名词复数 ) 网络翅鞘;鞘翅;背鳞;翅基 更多
elytra英音: ['elitrə] 美音: ['elitrə] elytrum的复数形词形变化 复数: elytra 相关短语 dimorphism (形) 二态现象 viewport (图形的) 视见区 clevis (U形夹) 马蹄夹 biquinary representation (数的) 二五混合进制表示 sagitta (数学的) 矢 collecting funnel (指圆形山谷) 汇集漏斗 rhomboid lanceola...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
Related to elytra:hemelytra elytron el·y·tron (ĕl′ĭ-trŏn′) n.pl.el·y·tra(-trə) Either of the leathery or chitinous forewings of a beetle or a related insect, serving to encase the membranous hind wings used in flight. Also calledwing case. ...
elytra/'ɛlɪtrɑn/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 n. 翅鞘;翅基(elytron复数) 英语例句库 They have a rounded, oval shape and the head is often concealed by the pronotum when the beetle is viewed from above.The elytra (wing covers) are covered with fine hairs. ...
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