ElvUI is a full UI replacement. It completely replaces the default Blizzard UI at every level with a new and better interface. It has multiple addons and plug-ins integrated into it, such as Dominos action bars and TidyPlates. As such, you’ll only ever have to update ElvUI and not ...
“Install ElvUI” button. Click that button and wait for the addon to install. When it’s finished, the status bar at the bottom of the window will say “Status: Finished Extracting Addon(s).” You can now close the client. Don’t forget to launch it every now and then to update ...
B:UpdateAllBagSlots() end, args = { questStarter = { order = 1, type = "color", name = L["Quest Starter"] }, questItem = { order = 2, type = "color", 1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions 1 ElvUI_Config/locales/chinese_config.lua Original file line numberDiff line numberDif...
frame.CastBar.holdTime=self.db.units[frame.UnitType].castbar.timeToHold--How long the castbar should stay visible after being interrupted, in seconds end elseifevent=="UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED"then ifframe:IsShown()then Expand DownExpand Up@@ -194,10 +193,8 @@ function mod:UpdateElement_...
The reason behind WoW ElvUI Action Bars not showing can be bugs, and that can be easily solved by updating the software. However, if it continues to be a problem, even after an update, go to the ElvUI official form and search the solutions and fixes for bug reports. In case, there ...
Let’s try to add a new chat window, so you’ll know how to do this. [1] Right click on the ‘General’ tab of your Chat window and select ‘Create New Window’ from the menu. [2] Name this window ‘Raid.’ [3] Right-click on the newly created ‘Raid’ chat window and sele...
There seems to be a lot of backdrop issues. Patch 9.0 changed how background color in windows or frames is done in the game. So if your version is old you can get many lua errors due to that but i did not read through it all so you might have some other addon messing with you....
Information to provide when posting: 1.) Shadow & Light Version 2.) ElvUI Version 3.) Provide lua errors 4.) Provide a screenshot if possible 5.) Detailed description of the issue on when it happens, how it happens, whatever you did to reproduce it. 6.) Just to be clear, Disable ...
Version for patch 8.1.5 and ElvUI v11. Please do not update to this version if it is tuesday and you play on EU. Additions: - Totally forgot raids exist. Added LFR tracking options for Dazar'Alor and Crucible of Storms. Also added those to raid progression (which also should be workin...
Information to provide when posting: 1.) Shadow & Light Version 2.) ElvUI Version 3.) Provide lua errors 4.) Provide a screenshot if possible 5.) Detailed description of the issue on when it happens, how it happens, whatever you did to reproduce it. 6.) Just to be clear, Disable ...