talking about Elvis’s twin brother Jesse Garon, who died at birth. This leads into the heart-wrenching One Night With You, enhanced by a stunning aerial act performed by two acrobats on a giant guitar suspended against a backdrop of stars. The song is sung by a female vocalist (one of...
EIN was not familiar with singer-songwriter,Bobby Caldwell,who died recently. On YouTube we could only find one song,What You Won't Do For Love(we are familiar with Michael Bolton's cover of the song), and Bobby's original recording resonates a wonderful soulful vocal and has a great j...
Lisa Marie performed her duet with Elvis 'In The Ghetto'. It seems to be that the negative comments on the original clip where huge. A lot of people thought that the footage with the baby's with guns where to shocking. In the 'new' clip, the guns are gone. After the song, Lisa M...
Rogers told Billboard magazine in 2000, "I've never considered myself a great singer but I am a great storyteller. I tried not to compromise. I did songs I believed in. If you do that you have to commit to it. That's what I think I've done best. I've believed in things and ...
Would You Prefer Elvis Presley's "Loving Arms"?:In 1973, Elvis Presley recorded a great song in Memphis called "Loving Arms," right around the same time the Dixie Chicks were little babies. About 25 years later, once the Dixie Chicks were all grown up and making country music, they laid...