Presley's reception was wild and unbounded and his performance, in turn was generous,freeflowing and professional as only years of honing can perfect" When Elvis walked on stage "a shining hysteria engulfed the
The article discusses audience reactions to a commercial for the drug Viagra which features a parody of the song "Viva Las Vegas," made famous by Elvis Presley, replacing the title lyric with the line "Viva Viagra." Joseph A. Tunzi, author of several books on Presley and Michael Weinstein,...
if they wish, because I sincerely hope they will be on hand to see Elvis Presley run out of town by citizens who prefer to be entertained. Frank Sinatra can probably wiggle around just as much as Presley, but he knows how to express his feelings for a song without going into vulgar and...
Fans in the USA should tune into Oprah on Monday, September 10, for the show's season premiere. The show will feature a performance from Lisa Marie Presley singing the 'In The Ghetto' duet with Elvis Presley. Source:ElvisMatters
cooperation of CKX Inc., (the company that controls the Presley estate), Elvis Presley Enterprises, access to every master recording Presley ever put down on tape, as well as all of his films and television appearances, home movies, and input from Priscilla Presley herself, how could Cirque ...
'What Now My Love' consists of the Midnight Shows on August 11 and 12 1972. Between Madison Square Garden and Aloha From Hawaii, the Elvis Presley Show was at its peak! Elvis is in top form with both new and old songs in his repertoire, and especially with the addition of 3 great ne...
However, you can also find an Elvis tribute artist or Elvis impersonator portraying the younger, more clean cut Elvis Presley of the 1950's. Besides looking like Elvis Presley and dressing like Elvis, most Elvis Impersonators will sing and play like "The King of Rock and Roll" as well. ...
BARBARA KLEIN: Most people know that Elvis Presley was a popular singer and actor. But many young people today might not realize that Elvis represented a rebellious new form of popular culture. He first became famous in the mid nineteen fifties. ...
The next Memphis Recording Service (UK) venture is a dance remix of ‘That’s All Right’ with Elvis Presley and Lucy Clark. It will be released on 29th January 2008 and exclusively available on Music Download Stores around the world (with the exception of the USA). ...
The death of Elvis Presley in August 1977 unveiled a field of contested interpretative and emotional positions regarding his public persona and its wider cultural implications. Closely studying the particular repercussions of such contestations in Denmark, using the totality of available source material,...