根据Eltz Castle,Germany部分的最后一句“Interestingly, Eltz Family has possession of the castle to this day.”(有趣的是,埃尔茨家族至今仍拥有这座城堡。)可知,爱尔茨家族至今仍拥有这座城堡,它的主人一直未变。故选A项。 (2)题详解: 推理判断题。根据Vianden Castle,Luxembourg部分的第二句“Vianden ...
The three family wings of Burg Eltz The castle is a so-calledGanerbenburg, or castle belonging to a community of joint heirs. This is a castle divided into several parts, which belong to different families or different branches of a family; this usually occurs when multiple owners of one ...
I wish I had more information about the castle from a formal tour, but what I do know is that this castle was untouched by the war, and is owned by the same family from when it was built. The castle is tucked into the woods, and required a 20 minute walk from a small parking are...
One Man's Family 6,7Série de TV Henry Barbour 1954 5 episódios The Red Skelton Show 8,1Série de TV Mr. Brady 1954 1 episódio The Abbott and Costello Show 8,1Série de TV Henry Dunn 1954 1 episódio Letter to Loretta 7,5Série de TV Vincent 1953 1 episódio Adventures of Wild Bi...
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Ask Your Doctor ; Family Physicians Discuss Greatest Health Concerns Facing Community. Dr. Sharon Eltz / East Petersburg Family Medicine Dr. Rachel Eash- Scott / Southeast Lancaster Health Services Dr. William Fetchik / Family PractitionerClaudia W Esbenshade...
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Dakota, a 7-year-old female Boxer, was brought to her family vet because she hadn’t been acting herself for about two weeks. She was drinking more, eating less, and seemed weak. X-rays revealed that Dakota had a very large uterus. Her classic symptoms and the X-rays confirmed that ...