In Spark, click > My Account. Your profile opens.In Language, select a language.Click Save.Menu options display in your chosen language.Was this helpful?FEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_up YesFEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_down No...
To see only your starred courses, click Starred Courses. More information Edit Course Create a Spark Course Delete Course Was this helpful?FEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_up YesFEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_down NoCustomer Support ...
Spark brings the world to the classroom and the classroom to life. Use Spark to practice English, complete assignments, and play educational games. Young learners and their parents can use Spark to: Read the textbook Access audio and video resources Complete assignments Take tests Play games ...
Create and manage your courses for Spark. Click Dashboard in the top menu to see your courses. Create a Spark CourseCreate your course in Spark. Copy a CourseIf you are teaching multiple sections of a course or teaching a course you have previously taught, you can simplify course setup by...
Spark brings the world to the classroom and the classroom to life. Use Spark to practice English, complete assignments, and prepare for tests.
Spark brings the world to the classroom and the classroom to life. Use Spark to teach English for students at any age or level. Your students can use Spark to practice English, complete assignments, and prepare for tests.
Sparkcan display buttons, labels, and instructions in your preferred language. Sparkis available in: Brazilian Portuguese English Japanese Korean Polish Simplified Chinese Spanish Traditional Chinese Vietnamese Change Platform Language Set your preferred language for buttons and labels inSpark. ...
Intergrate Spark resources within your institution's Brightspace® Learning Management System. Canvas MoodleIntegrate Spark resources within your institution's Moodle™ Learning Management System. Schoology Other LMSIf your LMS is not specified, there are general LMS integration resources available. ...
Spark can display buttons, labels, and instructions in your preferred language. Spark is available in: Brazilian Portuguese English Japanese Korean Polish Simplified Chinese Spanish Traditional Chinese Vietnamese Change Platform LanguageSet your preferred language for buttons and labels in Spark. Translated...
Manage your courses in Spark.To manage your courses, sign in to Spark.You can view and manage your courses on the Courses tab. The following information is shown for each course:Course Course Key Enrollment Start Date End Date Edit CourseIf needed, change your Spark course information, dates...