About this mod A quick patch that should prevent Mapleleaf402's The Elsweyr Embassy or The Elsweyr Embassy Dawnguard from making wild sabre cats invisible Share Requirements Permissions and credits Changelogs Found The Elsweyr Embassy mod today and thought it looked really cool, but the comme...
Only the Khajiit know the secret paths of the moon that lead the followers of the Mane back to Elsweyr.Now one of these paths is open to the dova of Skyrim, long thought lost this path le
About this mod 本翻譯採用的是「大學漢化名詞」。取得作者Tomas Sala(muppetpuppet)同意,上載翻譯文件供「繁體中文」玩家使用。 Share Permissions and credits 模組原始位置:Moonpath to Elsweyr請先下載原始檔案 (請點ENDORSE給作者做鼓勵 :)本模組只提供翻譯的文件,請先下載Moonpath to Elsweyr完整檔案,然後再用本...
請確保你把 moonpath_questdata.esp 排序在[任何有修改亡者之饮(酒馆)的MOD]的後面。 排序: skyrim.esm update.esm Dawnguard.esm Moonpath.esm . Requiem.esp Requiem - Resources . Moonpath_questdata.esp Requiem - Moonpath Patch.esp -需要 Dawguard DLC ...
If you still find instances of bad pathfinding in Moonpath after installing this I would appreciate it greatly if you would not %^%ch in a hostile and belligerent manner, about the file. Skyrim path-finding is still subject to all sorts of variables that cannot always be eliminated though ev...
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim mod | Released 2012 summary articles reviews files videos images Experience the jungles and deserts of Elsweyr, meet the inhabitants, experience unique quests. Battle new and unique enemies, raptors, sload,hyena's,imga and more. Any race is welcome to join the caravan!
- 您可以随意处理此mod。进入Creation Kit,打开Skyrim.esm、Update.esm、Hearthfires.esm和ElsweyrEmbassyDG.esp(点击Active File)。然后添加、更改或拿走您想要的东西。然后,如果您真的想要,可以将其上传到Steam或Nexus或其他地方。不过,我希望能得到一些赞誉或者表扬。
- 您有完全的权利对该mod做任何想做的事情。进入Creation Kit,打开Skyrim.esm,Update.esm,Hearthfires.esm和ElsweyrEmbassy.esp(点击Active File)。然后添加、更改或取走任何你想要的东西。然后,如果你真的想的话,将其上传到Steam或Nexus或其他地方。不过,我想我会感谢一下或者给予一些认可。
The required files can be obtained fromthat other mod site. Skyrim SSE 1.6.640+ There is no such thing as "AE". AE is a marketing term. There is just Skyrim SE latest ver. This works on it just fine. Moonpath to Elswey SSE 1.16.1 ...
About this mod Only the Khajiit know the secret paths of the moon that lead the followers of the Mane back to Elsweyr.Now one of these paths is open to the dova of Skyrim, long thought lost this path leads to a base deep in the hart of the jungles of in Elsweyr. Enjoy the custom...