好帅啊!Elspeth Beard是英国第一位骑摩托环游世界女性,1982年带着从酒吧打工的积蓄开,骑着心爱的摩托开始环游世界旅行,历时三年,总共骑行了48000英里。34年后,Beard才将她的故事写在纸上,现在她已经60岁了,依然热爱骑行,最后一张是她最近骑摩托的照片。有网友看过她的故事表示,这个女人可以骑到我面前,然后拿掉...
【来自投稿】1980 年代,Elspeth Beard成为第一个骑着摩托车环游世界的英国女性 û收藏 157 43 ñ879 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 电影大银幕 06月17日 12:46 由李霄峰执导,罗晋、聂远、辛鹏、姜珮瑶、李嘉琪、黄觉...
BMW dealer Vines of Guildford will be hosting the book launch for Lone Rider, the book written by the first British woman to ride around the world, Elspeth Beard. In 1982 Elspeth, aged just 23, set off to ride around the globe on her BMW R60/6. A trip th
The Tower and the Glory; When Elspeth Beard Bought Her Folly It Was a Crumbling, Damp Shell Full of pigeons.But Hard Work Turned It into a Stunning HomeRead the full-text online article and more details about The Tower and the Glory; When Elspeth Beard Bought Her Folly It Was a ...
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betweenthem.Longlankhairandmanydays’growthofbeardhidthe captive’sface,butnothinghidwhathadbeendonetohim.Hisnakedbody waspatternedwithbruises.Scabsfromthelashcrustedhisback,andone footleftbloodysmearsontheblackandwhitefloorwitheachstep.When themarshalschainedhimtothemahoganyrailofthewitnessstandhe ...
1980年代环球摩托旅行的女性旅行家Elspeth Beard。在那个没有手机、GPS、网络的年代用探险家来形容她完全不为过。独立女性身上永远散发着独特的魅力。[心] http://t.cn/A6y39wTk