They hid under tables in the dark, hoping the gunmen would not find them and hearing the sounds of explosions elsewhere in the hotel. 他们藏在桌子底下,耳朵里听到酒店其他地方响起的爆炸声,心里祈祷着歹徒们找不到自己。 6. The local yamen or headquarters might have one as a...
elsewhere 英[ˌelsˈweə(r)]美[ˌelsˈwer] 高中/ CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / IELTS 释义 常用 牛津词典 高考讲解 adv. 在/去/到别处; 双语例句 全部 在别处 到别处 1. Elsewhere, the weather today has been fairly sunny. 今天其他地方的天气都比较晴朗。 来自牛津词典 2. Prices are higher...
With Elsewhere, we make the videos, you give them meaning Insert your personal message directly into professionally produced videos Use pre-marked moments on the timeline to find editable text to change Impress your friends by letting your humor and wit take center stage Say hello to Elsie at:...
The praesidium has decided to hold this evening's meetingelsewhere. 主席团决定今天晚上的会议另选会场. 《简明英汉词典》 Unable to find the book in this bookstore, he boughtelsewhere. 这家书店找不到此书, 他到别处买去了. 《简明英汉词典》 ...
They hid under tables in the dark, hoping the gunmen would not find them and hearing the sounds of explosions elsewhere in the hotel. 他们藏在桌子底下,耳朵里听到酒店其他地方响起的爆炸声,心里祈祷着歹徒们找不到自己。 6. The local yamen or headquarters might have one as a...
悠 然 绽 放 GRAND OPENING ELSEWHERE是赢家时尚集团旗下品牌,作为艺术生活的倡导者,以“人人都是生活艺术家”为品牌主张,秉承舒适、质感、自在的美学风格,为都市轻熟女性提供轻松自在的服饰穿搭,让她们温柔而坚定地绽放本色。 ELSEWHERE 第一八佰伴 诚邀您与ELSEWHERE一同奔赴...
读音:英[ˌelsˈweə(r)] 美[ˈelsˌwer] 四级六级考研雅思 elsewhere 基本解释 adv. 在别处 elsewhere 网络释义 adv. 在别处;到别处 最新更新单词:sealing账单英文satireRodrigoregulationsreceivesrebelliousrangingracialponytail 更新时间:2024-11-26 05:17:42...
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ELSEWHERE是一个服饰穿搭品牌,由深圳市珂莱蒂尔服饰有限公司注册商标,隶属于赢家时尚集团旗下,倡导艺术生活,以"人人都是生活艺术家”为品牌主张,秉承舒适、质感、自在的美学风格,为都市轻熟女性提供服饰穿搭。品牌文化 品牌价值观:从心悠享 品牌风格:舒适 质感 自在 品牌Slogan:人人都是生活艺术家 品牌节日:...