Track your submission This is a new submission-tracking service.Is this helpful?YesNo Peer review status The article you’re looking for has not been found Please try selecting the link in the email again. Need more help? Please visit our Journal Article Publishing Support Center...
目前,elsevier给了两个追踪状态方式,一个是微信显示状态,一个是网页显示状态。两者各有优点,当reviewer开始审稿后就会收到邮件题目为Track the status of your submission to 期刊名称。微信显示的状态会慢于网页版状态的。网页版只显示已发出reviewer邀请数...
在author gateway上注册成功后,进入Elsevier的作者个人主页“My Home”,点击页面左侧的“browse for journals”按学科浏览期刊,查看期刊介绍(Guide for Authors),选择合适的期刊投稿(Find a journal);在这里还可以查看作者投稿后论文的处理情况(Track your papers)。 点击 “Submit online to this journal”...
编辑用自己的邮箱发了一个title为“YourSubmission”的邮件,告诉你你的修改稿被期刊录用了,然后会说一些自己对稿件的comments。这个时候,你的ElsevierEditorial System 登陆系统上显示的status是“accept”。对于编辑的意见可以不回信。 2 accept之后的第5个工作日 Author Services会发一个title为“Track your article [...
1. find a journal 2. prepare your paper 3. submit and revise 4. track your paper 5. share and promote 5. share and promote now that your article is published, you can promote it to achieve a bigger impact for your research. sharing research, accomplishments and ambitions with a wider ...
楼主后来什么情况了 我现在也是 好担心
You can track the status of your submitted paper online. The system you use to track your submission will be the same system to which you submitted (Editorial Manager/EM). Use the reference number you received after submission to track your submission in EM. C ...
Track Article 'Our reference' (e.g. ABCD1234; ABCD_e1234) is provided in the 'Production has begun' e-mail we sent to you. Article not yet accepted? Please use the online submission system to check the status of your article.
Fast-Track Submission: Expedited review will be offered, on request, for research articles falling within the scope of the topics suitable for Experimental Hematology that have been previously considered by other top ranked journals and for which the previous reviewers' comments and the appropriate res...
Submission deadline: 05 January 2025 20 Years of the Mexican Proteomics Society Guest editors: José Ángel Huerta Ocampo, Sergio Encarnación Guevara, Luis Manuel Terán Juárez Topics frequently addressed in our symposium are Human Proteomics and Metabolomics (e.g., cancer, chronic-degenerative dise...