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Presentation of an original chemometric strategy in Raman imaging in order to improve the matrix rank search stage and thus obtain better spectral initialisation matrix before optimising by ALS the pre-processed data matrix. The aim is to obtain the most exhaustive characterization possible to explain...
The authors claim that none of thematerial in the paper has been published or 分享回复1 医学sci吧 超洋越海 这本SCI今年继续5分,两三个月即接受,关键年发文量超2000篇我们来看看这本SCI期刊:FUEL。从现有的记录来看,FUEL的2020年影响因子(JCR2019)是5.578。 关于此刊的具体情况,大家可以看看: https://...
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Acknowledgements References (2)Sustainabledevelopmentandsustainableforestry:analogies,differences,andtheroleofflexibility ...literaturereview,thispaperdiscussesrelatedtermssuchassustainability,sustainedyieldmanagement,sustainableforestry,sustainableforestmanagementandsustainabledevelopment:theirhistory,conceptsand...