Labour Economicsis devoted to publishing international research on empirical, theoretical and econometric topics that are of particular interest to labour economists. In particular,Labour Economicsgives due recognition to … Article publishing options ...
- 2 institutional subscription on sciencedirect request a sales quote a guide to the continually evolving field of labour economics. this volume concentrates on the following topics: interactions between the labour market and the macroeconomy; and policy issues within the labour market. ...
0927-5371 5 year impact factor: 2.5 impact factor: 2.2 the official journal of the european association of labour economists labour economics is devoted to publishing international research on empirical, theoretical and econometric topics that are of particular interest to labour economists. in ...
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Papers in Regional Science is the official journal of the Regional Science Association International. It encourages high quality scholarship on a broad range of topics in the field … View full aims & scope Announcement: RSAI members are eligible for a 20% discount on the APC when submitting to...
financial geography and fintech. We also aim to bring these new topics in conversation with classical themes in economic geography, such as global production networks, cluster development, related and unrelated variety, smart specialisation, regional economic restructuring, regional policy, labour geography...
We also aim to bring these new topics in conversation with classical themes in economic geography, such as global production networks, cluster development, related and unrelated variety, smart specialisation, regional economic restructuring, regional policy, labour geography, feminist geography, ...