Queen Elsa from Wreck-It Ralph 2 In Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks The Internet, Vanellope Von Schweetz encounters her fellow Disney princesses. Queen Elsa (voiced by Indina Menzel) wears pajamas for the slumber party with a “Just Let It Go” fleece and sparkly leggings. Pair this casual...
我个人最喜欢的第一是Frozen,第二就是Wreck It Ralph,正好连续两年两部续集 来自Android客户端7楼2018-10-16 00:06 回复 无证骑士 苍生颂 1 1、刻意突出了郑致正确公主的排位,却不让更加郑致正确的莫阿娜站C位,差评。2、莫阿娜和爱丽儿,梅里达和白雪的CP很明显了。3、宝嘉康蒂成为动物保护主义人设又是...
Frozen writer Jennifer Lee once made a tweet jokingly suggesting that Elsa and Wreck-It Ralph would make a good couple during the 2013 D23 Expo. As a nod to that, in Disney Infinity, if Ralph and Elsa are introduced to one another, Ralph will tell Elsa that she's "really pretty", an...
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