Discover a unique car that combines design, technology and performance in the exciting Ford Taurus NYPD (ELS) for GTA 4. Stylish and practical, it is the perfect car for your trips. For the proper operation of the lights requires mod Emergency Lights System v8.51, which you can download on...
Alt+P 开启MOD/上下班 +E 对NPC(有红蓝闪光的,蓝色代表自己人)进行通缉/对总部报告情况/呼叫急救或者消防 +U 出现一顶帽子或者替换一顶帽子(如果你帽子掉了)+T 使用泰瑟枪(我的1.07不知道为什么用不了,EFLC可以)+N 呼叫NOOSE Ctrl+M 呼叫急救车(ELS用户一定会觉得这个按键很烦人)+N ...
Take a look at the mod car Chevrolet Impala GCPD (ELS) for GTA 4, which amazes with the perfect balance between style, sophistication and athleticism. If you like adventure, then this car is for you. Durable style leaves no doubt that the car will be an excellent companion. ...
你是不是安装了什么作弊程序,把GTA4的文件破坏了,重新装一遍吧 我也一样,1.04,v6的els可以按H键
3回复贴,共1页 <返回gta4吧那个警灯爆闪ELS怎么安装? 只看楼主收藏回复 库兹涅佐夫cccp 弹无虚发 10 面对这些东西我该何去何从? 送TA礼物 1楼2013-02-08 20:40回复 库兹涅佐夫cccp 弹无虚发 10 顶起! 2楼2013-02-08 20:44 回复 库兹涅佐夫cccp 弹无虚发 10 @LCPD局长 3楼2013-02-08 ...
Location POLICE4 (ELS file): >>> GTAV/ELS/Pack_default Location vehicle.meta: >>> GTAV/mods/update/update.rpf/common/data/levels/gta5 鸣谢: 型号 转换为GTAV:TeamMOH(marco) 纹理/材质:TeamMOH / 3dgarage 蓝色灯塔:TeamMOH(Ide)/ achillesDK ...
For you, my dear friends, today we present a new modification on the car Dodge Charger Sheriff (ELS) for GTA 4. The model has an impressive specification. As standard, you will find a high level of comfort, first-class craftsmanship and technical innovation. Features: - Auto has standard ...
Take a look at the fashion car Ford Taurus LACPD (ELS) for GTA 4, which impresses with the perfect balance between style, sophistication and athleticism. If you like adventure, then this car is for you. Durable style leaves no doubt that the car will be an excellent companion. Features:...
是不是能用ZM把EL..回复2楼:不用警灯亮不起来@形象矮高 回复8楼:主要我发现同一辆车如果有els和非els版本,贴图和数据都是共用的,只有模型文件不一样