Elrond Half-elvenis the Lord and lore-master of Rivendell and he is found at the lower level insidehis library. The library is located at the second floor ofthe Last Homely House, in the southern wing. Quest Involvement [20]The Road to the Lonely Mountain ...
Elros chose the Fate of Men and became Elros Tar-Minyatur, the first King of Númenor. Elrond Half-elven chose to be counted among the Elves,[4] and remained in Lindon as captain and herald of Gil-galad, the High King of the Ñoldor.[5] ...
Elrond Half-elven is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He is introduced in The Hobbit, and plays a supporting role in The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Elrond was Lord of Rivendell, one of the mighty rulers of old that remained in Middle-...
To be completely correct, he was slightly more than half-elven: actually nine sixteenths of his ancestors were Elves. A full breakdown of his descent works out like this: Three eighths Edain, through two lines: his grandfather Tuor of the House of Hador, and his great-grandfather Beren of...
● 半精灵(Half-elven):爱隆被称为半精灵,因为他同时具有精灵和人类的血统。因此,他能够在精灵不朽的生命与人类必死的命运中进行选择。实事求是地说,爱隆有56.25%的精灵血统,37.5%的人类血统,以及6.25%的迈雅血统。 ● 佩瑞希尔(Peredhel / Peredhil):辛达语称半精灵为Peredhel(单数,复数为Peredhil)。单字per...
towards the Last Homely House. I understand a little more clearly, now, and the counsel of Elrond Half-elven is of no small renown, even in Dale. Yet it is not talk of Rings and deceased Kings that Dale needs. My King sent me to seek aid, and I know not now if we will find it...
eldarin,“fromtheelves,elven”Adjenvinyata-,“heal,renew”V eldasilquë,“maidenheadfern”Nenwina,“old”Adj (PE12)enya,“device,method,trick”N élë,“flashinglight,starlight”N(PE12) Elemmirë,“Mercury”Nenya-,“thinkout,n,devise”V elen,“star”(stem-formeld-(PE12) optional)eny...
eldarin,“fromtheelves,elven”Adjenvinyata-,“heal,renew”V eldasilquë,“maidenheadfern”Nenwina,“old”Adj (PE12)enya,“device,method,trick”N élë,“flashinglight,starlight”N(PE12) Elemmirë,“Mercury”Nenya-,“thinkout,n,devise”V elen,“star”(stem-formeld-(PE12) optional)eny...