In the distant 1976, in the town of Harmanli, Bulgaria, an AC electric motor factory was founded under the name “ Dimo Delchev“. After the changes in 1997 the company became privately owned and was renamed to “Elprom Harmanli JSCo“. Thanks to the courage, strong work ethic and the ...
价格¥1,560.00 起订量1件起批 货源所属商家已经过真实性核验 产品型号ELPROM 数量 产品信息 联系方式 【产品分类】 意大利ELPROM电机 ELPROM开关 ELPROM变压器 【其他介绍】 ELPROM motor by EasyMotor Easy Motors the 1st B2B marketplace dedicated to electric Motors. Among our wide range of motors, we pro...
Elprom is one of the manufacturers in the electric motor market. It designs, develops and produces high-quality motors, which are used in various industrial applications. Elprom has been producing induction motors since 1963. From the beginning as a small seller to establishing a complete sales ne...
意大利ELPROM电机ELPROM变压器 双极性 灿勤实业(上海)有限公司 1年 查看详情 ¥1240.00/个 广东深圳 Heidenhain 533903-17 编码器 Elprom Motor OD3289/002 深圳市奥宇自动化设备有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥1300.00/个 天津 全新意大利原装进口ELPROM同步永磁/锯心轴电机 全新 北京志鸿恒拓科技有限公司 3年 老板...
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申请/注册号:44228824申请日期:2020-02-26国际分类:第07类-机械设备商标申请人:埃尔普马达工业有限公司;ELPROMMOTORINDUSTRIES(M)SDNBHD办理/代理机构:北京方圆嘉禾知识产权代理有限公司 ELPROM领土延伸 申请/注册号:G1490666申请日期:2019-10-03国际分类:第07类-机械设备商标申请人:VARENYK,KOSTIANTYNANATOLIIOVYCH办理...
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优势产品shanghai hangou mechanical 12CHHHM1BBS34MC 335.0 M1100 优势产品shanghai hangou mechanical H100-186 优势产品shanghai hangou mechanical VWPQ72-250 优势产品shanghai hangou mechanical 187323 0003 H IE1-K21R 160M 2 B KR TPM VL HW ...
Dust Collector Single-Phase Shaded-Pole Motors Motor-Ventilate Units Welcome ELPROM-EMS is specialized in the production of electric motors (both AC motors and DC motors ) and Grinders , operating two plants, located in Bulgaria. The company has over 40 years of experience in the ...