Viele von Elon Musks öffentlichkeitswirksamen Schritten haben etwas von Theater und Effekthascherei an sich, ein Augenzwinkern in die Kamera, wenn man so will. Dies zeigt sich auch in den jüngsten Auseinandersetzungen mit Metas KI-ChefYann LeCunn, und sogar in der Annahme einesKampfes...
AI Data Centers and Energy Infrastructure: AI数据中心越来越多地建在能源生产场所附近,如核电站,以利用千兆瓦级、低成本、低排放的电力。这一趋势由Danielle Fong和Yann LeCun强调。 AI's Impact on Electricity Distribution: AI正在革新电力分配,数据中心在一个地方需要数百兆瓦的电力,常常导致可用性和互连的限制。
Elon getting a public spanking by Yann LeCun Its Steve Jobs vs Wozniak. One is a really good salesman who is not a complete idiot but over time begins to feel like he is the smartest man in the room because of sycophants. The other is a brilliant scientist who just enjoys doing resea...
open-source research hinges on concerns it is being co-opted as a bad-faith argument to ensure regulatory capture for the biggest companies already making headway on AI—a point that legendary AI researcher and Meta’s former chief AI scientist Yann LeCun made when he entered the fray ...