Elon Musk had asked his Twitter users on Sunday whether he should step down as the leader of the social media site. More than 17 million votes were cast and delivered a clear verdict: 57.5 percent said he should quit, in a Twitter “poll” that closed after 12 hours on Monday. “我应...
On Friday, hundreds of Twitter employees were estimated to have decided to leave the company following a Thursday deadline from Mr Musk that staffers agree to longer, more intense working patterns or quit. The exodus adds to the rapid change and chaos that have marked Mr Musk's first three...
On November 4, with Musk saying the company was losing $4 million a day, Twitter laid off half of its 7,500-strong staff. Musk also reinstated Trump's account—though the former US president indicated he had no interest in the platform—and said Twitter would no longer work to combat CO...
对于这项投票,拥有“蓝V”的艺人Kim Dotcom在Twitter发文指,应该只允许拥有“蓝V”的Twitter Blue用户方可为Twitter政策作出投票。Elon Musk则回应赞同其说法,并称Twitter将会依其建议作改变。Good point. Twitter will make that change.— Elon Musk (@elonmusk)December 19, 2022 此外,Kim Dotcom更表示大量Tw...
After a majority of respondents to one of Elon Musk's polls concluded that the Twitter CEOshould step downand let someone else run the company, Musk said he plans to change the rules of who can vote. Musk, whose affinity for Twitter polls is perhaps second only to his penchant for tweeti...
Musk on Friday said that has caused a "massive drop" in revenue at the company, whose growth had slowed sharply this year and which continues to lose money. Previously, Musk has expressed his desire to make Twitter less reliant on advertising, in part by charging an $8 monthly fee for ...
埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 最近竞购 Twitter 引起了不小的轰动。该提议是在他购买了该公司近 10% 的股份并拒绝获得董事会席位后不久提出的。在一次采访中,他概述了他的提议背后的原因,称他想让 Twitter 成为一个更值得信赖的平台,促进言论自由。上周末,我们询问了我们的读者是否希望埃隆马斯克拥有 Twitter。这...
Twitter's yearly meeting is set for May 25, so it is possible the vote could happen then. 推特的年度会议定于5月25日举行,因此投票可能会在那时举行。 In the past, Musk has been critical of some of Twitter's policies related to...
Elon Musk在正式收购Twitter后,不继就Twitter以往的政策作出改革,又封锁大量的虚假账户。但其日前在Twitter进行民意调查后正式宣布,下星期将开始解封遭封锁的账号。Elon Musk在Twitter发布一项超过316万用户参加的民意调查,其中有72.4%的人投票赞成让那些“没有犯法或涉及垃圾内容”却被Twitter封锁的人重获账号。因此...
SAN FRANCISCO -- More than half of 17.5 million users who responded to a Twitter poll created by billionaire Elon Musk over whether he should step down as head of the company had voted yes by the time the poll closed Monday. There was no immediate announcement from Twitter, or Musk, about...