ElonMusk 2024-8-2 10:12 有朝一日,特斯拉将每秒制造一套电驱系统 One day, Tesla will make a drivetrain per second @特斯拉 特斯拉的首个“1000万”里程碑🎉 全球第1000万个电驱系统在上海超级工厂下线 特斯拉重新定义电驱系统 从零开始自研自产🧐 ...
The CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, has declared that the business will begin deploying humanoid robots in its plants the following year. The purpose of these robots, called Optimus, is to increase operational efficiency and safety by carrying out “boring, repetitious, and dangerous” activities. By ...
马斯克预测明年的加州和德克萨斯州可能会进行全自动驾驶式Model Y车型及Model 3 Tesla车型的测试,并希望在此之后就可以推出自动计程车服务。预计在2026年,将能够首次提供商用车用的自动化计程车服务。 KTLA 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iTghylUHUY...
-埃隆·马斯克创造的Optimus可以使用神经网络控制其电动肢体在不平坦的地面上行走。 -埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)正在邀请人们加入特斯拉,研究现实世界的人工智能系统。
44 -- 7:35 App Why Boston Dynamics is Building a Super Robot Army 214 -- 2:55 App Do You Love Me——dancing by the Boston robots(机器人跳舞也比我手脚协调,呜呜呜~) 7753 -- 1:10 App 我的朋友是AI? 1052 -- 10:55 App 华为这一年:手机、芯片、汽车、AI、全面爆发 36.6万 635 30...
Elon Musk on Monday showcased the Tesla humanoid robot called 'Optimus' who greeted his followers with a 'Namaste'
特斯拉 方面,Elon Musk宣布最早明年(2025年)开始生产人形机器人Tesla Bots或Optimus,计划2026年推向更广泛市场大规模生产,预计2025年在自家工厂使用,2026年对外销售;华为这边, 国金证券 称2025年可能是人形机器人商用化量产元年,华为加码具身智能,有望助力国产机
Tesla先前曾在其AI Day宣布一项名为Tesla Bot的人形机器人计划,旨在“导航由人类创建的世界”以及能够“消除危险、无聊与重复性的工作”。Tesla创办人兼首席执行官马斯克(Elon Musk)日前接受访问时表示,Tesla Bot可以拥有独特、独立性格,并非只是普通的机器人。马斯克日前接受AI研究学者Lex Fridman访问,表示Tesla Bot...
Tesla hosts its 'We, Robot' event on Thursday at Warner Bros. Discovery's movie studio in Burbank, California. Elon Musk unveiled an autonomous Tesla Robovan that will be able to transport up to 20 people at a time. "We're going to make this, and it's going to look like that," ...
Tesla chief Elon Musk has shared new footage of the company’s humanoid Optimus robot, along with an update on how development of the robot is progressing. Recommended Videos The video (above), which was shown during Tesla’s annual stockholder meeting on Thursday, shows Optimus walking at a ...