Falcon Heavy’s first payload will be a Tesla Roadster, set to become the world’s fastest car following its launch into a heliocentric orbit. Credit: spacex/flickr, CC BY-NC-ND Elon Musk'sSpaceX Falcon Heavy rocketis scheduled for launch on February 6, and the entire space industry is ...
A website lets you follow the cosmic trek of the Tesla Roadster that launched on the Feb. 6 maiden flight of SpaceX's huge new Falcon Heavy rocket. Find Tesla in space.
如果你有关注最新新闻, 你应该知道这是一辆特斯拉,SpaceX的CEOElon Musk用他们家的火箭将这辆Roadster送上太空遨游,简直是给他的另一个公司-Tesla的硬广。 2月6日下午,SpaceX发射了史上最强大的火箭-Falcon Heavy猎鹰重型火箭。它有20层楼高,总重超过500万磅,等同于18架波音747飞机产生的推力。 成功的产品背后,...
Mark Matousek
Time flies when you’re sailing into space. It’s hard to believe, but it’s been two years since Elon Musk and SpaceX launched the billionaire’s Tesla Roadster into space on a Falcon Heavy rocket on February 6, 2018. Since then, Musk’s red car, which is helmed by a...
The Feb. 6, 2018 launch shot SpaceX founder Elon Musk's personal Tesla Roadster into space. The sports car's still out there. A lot has happened since then. Musk's Twitter. Lots of Starship development. Tons of Falcon 9 launches. Some more Falcon Heavy launches. Through it all, the...
Ladies and gentlemen, Elon Musk has sent his cherry red Tesla Roadster into space. Read that sentence again slowly. Out loud. To your friends and family. To your dog. There is a car currently doing an orbit in space. A. Car. In. Space....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iTghylUHUY 特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克举办了一场独家的'我们机器人'活动,展示了包括自动驾驶电子计程车和远程控制货车在内的技术进步。一开始,有人假装入侵并且呈现了一个虚假的自动计程车事件,大约一个小时后,真正的活动开始,揭示了特斯拉对于拥有比公共交通更为便宜且相比人类...
(1) Elon Musk: SpaceX, Mars, Tesla Autopilot, Self-Driving, Robotics, and AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #252 - YouTube 这样的Podcast其实是视频访谈录 Elon Musk不用多介绍了~ Lex Fridman简介如下:Lex Fridmanis a Russian-Americancomputer scientist,artificial intelligenceresearcher, andpodcasthost. Outsid...
The car is not on some scientific voyage. This was a test launch, so SpaceX needed a dummy payload — and Musk previouslysaidhe wanted it to be the “[s]illiest thing we can imagine.” So he picked his own luxurious Tesla roadster. ...