Musk 的谎言,挡不住乌克兰的斗志 Elon Musk 或许是个商业天才,但他在乌克兰战争中的“剧本”实在太离...
马斯克的母亲梅耶·霍尔德曼(Maye Haldeman)在与他的父亲埃罗尔·马斯克(Errol Musk)——一名工程师兼飞行员——经历了一段动荡的求爱期后,曾入围南非小姐的决赛。2019年,她出版了一本名为《女人的计划:一生的冒险、美丽与成功的建议》(A Woman Makes a Plan: Advice for a Lifetime of Adventure, Beauty, and...
Elon Musk may have caught the ire of many by suggesting a controversial way for the Russia-Ukraine War to end, but in a recent interview, the Tesla CEO also shared some of his thoughts on a potential peace plan between China and Taiwan. The plan was met with widely opposite reactions fro...
Musk,下次再开口前,先看看前线的真实情况吧,别老把自己当救世主了。 爆点回顾: Musk 的“免费终端”全是盟友掏钱,他只是个“服务商”。 Starlink 在前线远没那么重要,乌军早有“Plan B”。 用Starlink 可能暴露位置,反而帮了俄军忙。 Musk 关 Starlink,自己公司和声誉先崩。 乌克兰用无人机光纤反制,Musk 的威...
之前读过 Ashlee Vance 写的 Elon Musk,也读过 Maye Musk 的 A Woman Makes a Plan,读这本我会更关注一些细节内容。整体来说,这本书的语言很适合学英语——起承转合流畅,用词平实、准确、形象,没有啰里八嗦和过于煽情。 很多人已经写过书评,作为英语博主,我从英语学习的视角分享几点我的阅读方法。
英文原版 人生由我 梅耶·马斯克自传 埃隆·马斯克 Elon Musk母亲 Maye Musk 特斯拉 A Woman Makes a Plan 作者:MUSK出版社:Penguin UK出版时间:2019年12月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥120.00 配送至 北京 至北京市东城区 服务 由“中国进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。
1. Master Plan 3: 2. Mater Plan 2 3. Master Plan 1 其实在Elon Musk的master plan II中$特斯拉(TSLA)$已经解释了为啥无人驾驶的到来需要时间(技术的refine、法规的许可)、为啥要无人驾驶在L2/L3水平就开始部署、为啥FSD后面要价格Beta?$特斯拉(TSLA)$ ...
CEO Elon Musk has been talking about Mars missions since Starship was the BFR, but that's not the only use case. The first Starship launches will most likely focus on operations in Earth orbit and the Moon. One of the first would have been the "dearMoon" orbital moon mission,paid for ...
Taiwan Blasts Elon Musk Over Latest China Comments More Reuters Taiwan's Foreign Minister Joseph Wu delivers a speech during the European Values Summit in Prague, Czech Republic June 14, 2023. REUTERS/David W Cerny/File Photo TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan is "not for sale", the island's foreign...
Musk hasn't yet said whether Tesla will stick with his 2023 "master plan," which laid out "a proposed path to reach a sustainable global energy economy through end-use electrification and sustainable electricity generation and storage."