编者按:继钢铁侠伊隆 · 马斯克(Elon Musk)公布了SpaceX的巨型火箭之后,Wait But Why 又发布了一篇相关长文,根据作者与马斯克的对话,讲述了巨型火箭的来龙去脉,也展望了人类移民火星的未来。本文延续了WBW的一贯风格,生动幽默,浅显易懂。 2016年国际宇航大会(International Astronautical Congress)上,伊隆 · 马斯克在...
Elon Musk 埃隆马斯克 spaceX火箭发射全过程解说|What's Going On In This SpaceX Rocket Video 943 -- 50:10 App Elon Musk 埃隆马斯克 特斯拉投资者之夜2023 _part1 214 -- 20:20 App Elon Musk 埃隆马斯克这些年发射的火箭合集 [2002-2023] 476 -- 6:08 App Elon Musk 埃隆马斯克 深入 SpaceX'...
自2016年开始,Musk就不断提及SpaceX为殖民火星研发的飞船,并表明他已经想好了如何解决该计划的费用问题。在本次演讲中,Musk又提出了制造一个代号为“Big Fucking Rocket” (BFR)的航天飞船。根据Musk的描述,BFR飞船将会是SpaceX此前研发的猎鹰九号 (Falcon 9),猎鹰重型 (Falcon Heavy) 和龙 (Dragon) 的结合...
Timeline of SpaceX: ELON IN 2002: "I started SpaceX with the idea of making life multi-planetary."2008: Falcon 1 becomes the first privately developed liquid-fueled rocket to reach orbit. 2010: Dragon capsule achieves orbit and recovery, a first for a private spacecraft. ...
The article discusses an interview with Elon Musk, chief executive officer (CEO) of Space Exploration Technologies Corp. He describes reusable rocket testing activities of SpaceX, noting that these rockets could make space travel more attainable. He discloses planned establishment of a commercial ...
Elon Musk's SpaceX stacked a Starship prototype rocket on top of a Super Heavy rocket booster for the first time Friday morning.
SpaceX plans to start launching uncrewed Mars missions with its Starship megarocket in 2026 and crewed flights to the Red Planet two years after that, Elon Musk said.
Elon Musk's Space X launches biggest rocket ever built The Starship blasted off from Starbase in Texas at 1.50pm UK time Test is aiming to send rocket into space and have it return unscathed - and is key for NASA's goal of returning humans to moon by 2026 ...
佛罗里达州太空海岸,美国时间上周日,SpaceX在Falcon 9火箭升空,不一会就在空中炸为一团火花,不知道的还以为在拍什么好莱坞大片,然而真实的爆炸是SpaceX故意做的测试,以证明该公司的龙飞船可以在火箭发射失败时安全地将宇航员推离。 “另一个令人惊叹的里程碑已经完成,”美国宇航局局长吉姆·布莱登斯汀说。“恭喜Sp...
” 如果真的如 Elon Musk 所言,这样的效率已经可以秒杀全球其他所有的火箭研制公司了。不仅于此,Musk 还从猎鹰重型的身上看到了制造一个更强大运载火箭的可能性,他将其称为BFR,翻译过来就是 Big Falcon Rocket。“如果我们愿意的话,可以再增加更多两个助推器,并使其成为'猎鹰超重型‘’(作者自行命名),其...