The two-hour interview, which aired during Rogan's podcast on Thursday and which isavailableon YouTube, shows Musk and Rogan talking about technology, samurai swords and other topics, including marijuana. When Rogan pulled out what he described as a joint comprised of tobacco and marijuana, Musk...
“I have a design for a plane,” said Elon Musk in a wide-ranging interview for the Joe Rogan Experience podcast broadcast live Thursday night on YouTube. The interview included the two men drinking whiskey and smoking weed. Musk thinks his electric airplane would be better than curre...
In a copy of the email obtained by the Post, Musk not only takes responsibility for smoking weed but for smoking weed "with no skill, obviously." Of course, he also made sure to point out that he didn't break the law. After all, marijuana is legal in the state of California where ...
Elon Musk's days of smoking weed in public are, apparently, over. To be fair, it was justthat one time, when Musk appeared to be smoking weed on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, but it was enough to ruffle NASA's feathers. And NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine said Musk will not be...
Elon Musk, the CEO of the electric car company Tesla, has been called a genius, a visionary. But this year he got less noticed for his brilliance than his behavior, with stories about self-inflicted wounds: like capricious tweeting and public pot smoking. The 47-year-old billionaire has sa...
Elon Musk, the CEO of the electric car company Tesla, has been called a genius, a visionary. But this year he got less noticed for his brilliance than his behavior, with stories about self-inflicted wounds: like capricious tweeting and public pot smoking. The 47-year-old bil...
In a recent podcast interview, Elon Musk opened up about his business and personal life in a way that has rarely been seen. The Full Send Podcast episode with Elon Musk covers everything from space, new technology, smoking weed, and even house parties!
Two years after famouslysmoking a bluntduring a podcast with Joe Rogan, SpaceX and Tesla entrepreneur Elon Musk is back in the hot seat. In 2018, Musk took what looked like his first-ever hit off a blunt during a live episode ofThe Joe Rogan Experience. The entrepreneur took a very b...
Drunk or smoking weed or whatever, he is not trustworthy. He seems to try to make an even bigger disastrous mistake of epic proportions that will completely ruin those who worship him: Source: Elon Musk: I'm about to announce a 'Neuralink' product that connects your brain to computers I ...
And that's just the beginning; much later in the interview, around the 2:10:00 mark, Musk appears to be smoking weed. AI, the limits of human intelligence, and electric airplanes Rogan, who besides being a commentator for UFC and host of a paranormal TV show calledJoe Rogan Questions Ev...