right, do it yourself," Elon Musk is now a school founder.In a recent interview on Beijing Television, the Tesla founder revealed that he opened a school, called Ad Astra, last year for his five children. In his view, regular school wasn't educating his kids the way he thought it ...
Isobel Asher Hamilton
伊隆·马斯克自己建了个学校 Why Elon Musk Built a School for His Kidshttp://t.cn/A6c4wLRO
The Bastrop Ad Astra is Musk’s second major attempt to push into education. An earlier Ad Astra school was conceived roughly a decade ago when Musk approached his son’s then fourth-grade teacher about starting a school for his own kids and those of SpaceX employees. The school opened in...
Elon Musk didn’t like his kids’ school, so he started his own, the inventor and entrepreneur said in an interview on Beijing Television.
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Study Elon Musk's biography and career. Read about Elon Musk's education, net worth, and children. Learn where Elon Musk was born and how he made...
'The kids really love going to school. That's a good sign. I hated going to school when I was a kid. It was torture. They think that vacations are too long and they want to go back to school.' - Elon Musk “孩子们真的很喜欢上学。这是个好迹象。当我还是个孩子的时候,我讨厌上学。
While in quarantine, Musk has created an online school for his older kids, which he says has “actually worked out pretty well.” Of his youngest child, Musk adds, “I think babies are super cool and really people need to have more babies because, it sounds obvious, but if people ...
因为对正规学校的教育不满意,Elon Musk从孩子的学校挖来了一位老师帮他开设这所只面向SpaceX员工子女的学校:Ad Astra(通往群星)。没有年级之分,这所学校教给14名学生的,不是单纯的知识和工具,而是解决问题的思路。 学校的名字叫做 Ad Astra,翻译成英文的意思是「to the stars」。这个名字来自一句拉丁语名言:坎...