您如何看待加密的 Meme 令牌? Elon Musk 说:DogeCoin 是最神奇的代币,我希望有一个 AmazingDoge,就像 SHIBA 一样Amazing。 现在我有了我的 Floki,这是神奇的狗。以下是采访原文截图:发布于 2022-04-19 19:12 区块链(Blockchain) 伊隆· 马斯克(Elon Musk) 代币...
Elon Musk 说:DogeCoin 是最神奇的代/币,我希望有一个 AmazingDoge,就像 SHIBA 一样Amazing。 现在我有了我的 Floki,这是神奇的狗。 以下是采访原文截图: A reporter visited Musk that day. What do you think of the encrypted Meme token? Elon Musk said: DogeCoin is the most magical token, I hop...
引发这一迷因币热潮的原因是多方面的,而全球首富知名技术大佬如马斯克(Elon Musk)都表示了对迷因币的认可和支持,马斯克今日就在X上回复一条带有PEPE图片的推文称“Meme goes hard”,明显表现出对迷因文化的认同。 x.com/elonmusk/status/1 Elon Musk马斯克最近连续在社群网站上发文支持迷因币,上月在X他已经发表过...
Mark Matousek
Elon Musk 在 ABCNews 采访中提到了 多个MeMe 代币 埃隆马斯克与记者的问答如下: 2022年4月11日当天有记者拜访了马斯克。 您如何看待加密的 Meme 令牌? Elon Musk 说:DogeCoin 是最神奇的代币,我希望有一个 AmazingDoge,就像 SHIBA 一样Amazing。 现在我有了我的 Floki,这是神奇的狗。
Musk included a meme image of a woman upset because her partner is looking at another woman in his tweet. However, like many others, he altered the meme to portray the woman as Tesla, the guy as Musk, and the other woman as Twitter. He said, referring to the photograph, that...
受Elon Musk发布DOGE(政府效率部门)内容影响,同名Meme短时上升至250万美元市值 受Elon Musk 连续两次发布 D.O.G.E.(Department of Government Efficiency,政府效率部门)相关内容影响,以太坊上同名 Meme 短时上升至 250 万美元市值,Solana 上同名代币市值最高触及 100 万美元,现回落至 70 万美元。
马斯克 @ElonMusk 今天在柏林特斯拉超级工厂,被问到有关 #Doge# 的问题,他表示特斯拉将在未来的某个时间接受狗狗币支付——“Dogecoin to the moon” 因此,整个meme板块全线暴涨 从喊单Doge开始马斯克就成为了加...
After sharing the live streaming link of What Is a Woman?, a documentary on gender and transgender issues by Matt Walsh, a conservative political commentator, Elon Musk continues to engage in gender identity debate with his Twitter followers. He rec...
Professional troll — and possibly the proud new owner of Twitter — Elon Musk has really outdone himself with the latest meme he chose to blast out to his 80 million followers. The stick figure-laden image he shared on Thursday isn't only completely void of humor, but the point it's tr...